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Nursing student practicing taking blood pressure

The School of Nursing at Illinois Wesleyan extends the University’s liberal arts tradition to prepare exceptional thinkers, compassionate professionals and leaders for nursing and global health care.

Our nursing students have the opportunity to conduct collaborative research with nursing faculty, pursue internships in a chosen healthcare field, and – unusual for a nursing program – study abroad. Students are able to begin clinical experience in their sophomore year. 


Clinical Experiences

Our nursing students benefit from exceptional clinical experiences beginning in the sophomore year at multiple clinical sites, from community agencies to a major trauma center.

The School of Nursing and Health Sciences prides itself on providing students with diverse clinical experiences, including those in local hospitals, large regional medical centers, residential units for the well elderly, community health and home health agencies, clinics, and early childhood centers. Experiences in multiple sites enable students to compare various health-care delivery systems and to learn about care to diverse populations. Transportation is provided to all group clinical sites outside of Bloomington.

A junior nursing major writes:

"My clinical experience has been amazing.  I have put my skills to good use and felt extremely well prepared when I entered the clinical setting. Faculty provide guidance and feedback that is helping me become a better nurse. I was able to see a C-section on my first day and after that I was hooked; I couldn't wait to go back for more!"


Stephanie Moore headshot

Stephanie Moore - Recruitment Coordinator, Professional Laboratory Associate: Clinical Expert

Department - School Of Nursing