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Application Forms

Please note that all students seeking to study abroad are required to meet with an advisor in the Study Abroad Office. At that meeting, you will be given the appropriate application packet for the program you plan to apply for. 

You can also download application packets for the various types of programs IWU offers. These PDFs can be filled electronically, but you will need to print and sign them, then submit them to the International Office. 

On this page, you will also find a downloadable copy of the IWU Study Abroad Scholarship Application, the Course Approval Form (CAF) and the Pre-Departure forms packet.  You can complete the CAF with your application, but do not complete or submit the Pre-Departure forms until you have received approval to study abroad from the International Office.

IWU London Program

The complete IWU London Program application packet includes application instructions, policies relating to studying abroad on the IWU London programs, the IWU London Program application form, the IWU London Program academic reference form, and the IWU London Program non-academic reference form.

Individual parts of the packet (below) can be downloaded as needed.

Please download and read the instructions and policies carefully.  Keep a copy of the policies for future reference.

IWU Spain Program

The complete IWU Spain Program application packet includes application instructions, policies relating to studying abroad on the IWU Spain programs, the IWU Spain Program application form, the IWU Spain Program academic reference form, and the IWU Spain Program non-academic reference form.

Individual parts of the packet (below) can be downloaded as needed.

Please download and read the instructions and policies carefully.  Keep a copy of the policies for future reference.

 IWU Exchange Programs (AUI, Keio, and Lingnan)

The complete Exchange Programs application packet includes application instructions, policies relating to studying abroad on an exchange program, the IWU Exchange Programs application form, and the IWU Study Abroad Reference form.

Individual parts of the packet (below) can be downloaded as needed.

Please download and read the instructions and policies carefully.  Keep a copy of the policies for future reference.

IWU Affiliated Study Abroad Programs (Arcadia, Central, CIEE, CYA, DIS, IES Abroad, IFSA-Butler, SACI, and SIT)

The complete Affiliated Programs application packet includes application instructions, policies relating to studying abroad on an affiliated program, the IWU Affiliated Programs application form, and the IWU Study Abroad Reference form.

Individual parts of the packet (below) can be downloaded as needed.

Please download and read the instructions and policies carefully.  Keep a copy of the policies for future reference.

IWU Pembroke Program

The complete IWU Pembroke Program application packet includes application instructions, policies relating to studying abroad on the Pembroke program, the IWU Pembroke Programs application form, and the Pembroke College's Visiting Student application form.

Individual parts of the packet (below) can be downloaded as needed.

Please download and read the instructions and policies carefully.  Keep a copy of the policies for future reference.

Pre-Departure forms

Do not complete the pre-departure packet until you have received approval to study abroad from the International Office. The complete Pre-Departure forms packet includes the following forms:

· Waiver
· Medical Information form
· Physician's Report form
· Study Abroad Financial Aid form (for students on affiliated programs)*
· Letter of Understanding form

* NOTE: All students studying on affiliated programs must  complete and submit a Study Abroad Financial Aid Form, even if they are not currently receiving any aid. Students on the IWU London/Spain, Exchange, or Pembroke Programs are not required to complete this form .