Residence Hall Information and Policies
In addition to the policies and expectations outlined here, all students are expected to adhere to the published regulations and policies found in the Student Handbook and University Catalog . Since each residence hall has its own unique living environment, additional expectations may exist in each hall. These regulations have been formulated to assure the safety and welfare of all residence hall students.
Community Living
Policies around community living describe guidelines for how residents live with one another in community and make best use of residence hall facilities. You can find the following under IWU Community Expectations :
- Care of Student Rooms and Common Areas
- Guests
- Quiet Hours
- Kitchen Facilities
- Laundry, Facilities and Vending Machines
- Residence Hall Security
- Safety and Maintenance Inspection
- University Provided Furniture
- Bathroom Usage Policy
University Housing Requirements
University Housing Requirements describe the residential character of IWU, and the expectations that the institution has for students regarding campus living and dining. You can find the following under University Housing Requirements :
- Charges, Reservations and Refunds
- Appeals to Housing Charges
- Greek Chapter Houses
- Moving Off Campus
- Part-Time Students
- Residence Hall Activity Fee
- Dining Plans & Changing Dining Plans
Residents' responsibility towards awareness of their living space and surroundings are described in policies related to damages .
- Room Damage
- Common Area Damage
- Vandalism
Housing Assignments
Guidelines related to housing assignments describe the configuration of residence halls, how residents select rooms and roommates, and the ways that the Office of Residential Life manages occupancy. You can find the following under Housing Assignments :
- Single Occupancy
- Double Occupancy
- Suite Living
- Room Consolidation
- Room Changes
- Roommates
Policies and Procedures
Regulations and procedures describe rules that keep residence hall students safe and healthy, by protecting students from fire, health and safety risks, while limiting circumstances that could result in crisis or emergency. You can find the following under Policies and Procedures :
- Compliance with Local, State and Federal Statutes
- Compliance with Requests from Residential Life Staff
- Electrical Equipment and Appliances
- Fires and Fire Safety
- Insurance Coverage
- Items Not Allowed
- Keys and Locks
- Pets
- Posting
- Selling, Soliciting and Peddling
- Smoking
- Technology and Networks
- Tornadoes
- Windows, Roofs, Ledges, Fire Escapes, Attics and Elevators

Jermaine Ferguson - Director, Office of Residential Life
Department - Residence Halls-operations