Early Arrivals
Please log into your MyHousing and fill out an "Application" for Early Arrival.
It is inevitable that a number of students will be required to return to campus before their officially scheduled Fall move-in date (August 21, 2024 for first-year students; August 22 for incoming transfer students; and August 24 or 25, 2024 for upper division students). The Office of Residential Life accommodates requests for early arrival to the extent possible. The standard charge associated with a residence hall early arrival is $50 per night from the time a student or a student's belongings occupy the space, with the maximum charge not to exceed $349.
Requests for early arrival should be made at least 10 business days before arrival, so that communication may take place between the Office of Residential Life, Physical Plant, the Office of Conference Services and all other affected areas. It may not be possible to provide accommodations in cases where fewer than 10 business days notice are provided. If an early arrival is accommodated with short notice, students should bear in mind that the room may not be fully cleaned or prepared to normal standards.
Meals are typically not provided for students who choose to arrive early, although
arrangements may be made for students involved programmatically, such as athletes
or Turning Titan Staff.
Specific guidelines exist for students who fall into the following broad categories:
Summer housing. Students who reside in summer housing transition to fall spaces in early August in accordance with summer housing guidelines. The early arrival charge for summer residents is incorporated into the summer housing costs.
Academic commitments. Students returning to participate in an academic commitment, such as orientation, a musical or theatre rehearsal or event, a student teaching commitment, or any other event that is required to fulfill a curricular expectation are allowed to return the day before the commitment begins.
Campus work. Students who request an early arrival to begin work on-campus full-time may do so without charge during the full week before the start of classes. Early arrival charges will be waived beginning the day before the work commitment begins, but no earlier than August 21. Students whose campus work begins before August 21, will be incorporated into the summer housing program and assessed the appropriate associated charges.
Athletes. Athletes participating in fall sports may arrive as indicated by the coaching staff, typically on the day of or the day before the team's first scheduled practice.
Significant travel distance. Students who reside more than 450 miles from campus may request an additional day before standard move-in or their first commitment to help accommodate family travel needs. Students who return to campus from outside the United States are allowed to return up to five additional days before standard move-in or their first commitment to help account for international travel itineraries and minimize the effects of jet-lag. Submission of travel itineraries or ticket stubs may be requested so that travel dates can be verified before charges are waived.
Student organization leaders. With permission from an advisor (and a request from the advisor to ORL), leaders of Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) may arrive on campus beginning August 21. Each organization will be charged the appropriate arrival fee that corresponds to their leadership's arrival. Organizations are encouraged to plan for this expense in their yearly budgets.

Doug Meyer - Associate Director of Residential Life for Housing Operations
Department - Residence Halls-operations