Dolan Hall
Dolan Hall is home to some 120 students each year. Its residents enjoy Dolan's comfortable, spacious living arrangements and strong sense of community.
Quick Facts:
Address: 1404 Franklin Ave.
Capacity: 123 students.
Room dimensions: 15' x 12'3"
Air-conditioner unit: yes.
Furniture: a twin extra long bed, desk, closet, dresser, and bookshelf are provided for each resident. Beds are bunkable but not loftable.
Laundry: washers and dryers on the first and fourth floors.
Study room: yes.
Lounges: there are lounges on the first and second floors.
Other amenities: ice machine is located in the basement.
Internet access: Illinois Wesleyan Internet Wireless Access is available for all residents.

Rainbow Floor
Rainbow Floor is a gender inclusive living-learning community committed to counterspace, education and activism around social justice for LGBQA and TGNC people. You can move onto the Rainbow Floor at anytime during the academic year.
The Rainbow Floor is located in Dolan Hall.
The Office of Residential Life seeks to create a safer and more inclusive residential learning environment on campus by assisting students with requests to be matched with a roommate who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, or an ally. An ally is defined as someone who identifies as straight and wants to be supportive of those who identify as LGBQIA and TGNC. We also understand that not everyone has the privilege to live on the floor, so we also offer admittance to Dolan for anyone that would like access for the Rainbow Floor and the lounge. If you are interested, please contact the Director of Residential Life.