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Humans vs Zombies

Ames Art Group hvz

IWU RHA is proud to bring this event back to our campus for yet another year from October 6 at 9AM through October 9 at 12:30PM! To register for the event go to the HVZ Source Webpage. If this is your first year playing you can register for an account on this screen. On the other hand, if you've played before, you can use the same account as you did last year. Once you have an account, find the IWU RHA game and join!


Bandana on Minor Myers, Jr.

Also, before the start of they game make sure that you look through the Official Rules (.pdf) or watch the screencast of the rules for a more detailed explanation (The screencast will be up shortly). Caution: some of the rules have changed from previous years!

 Residence Directors HvZ

One of the required items to participate is a bandana. RHA will be giving out bandanas for FREE Monday, September 29 through Friday, October 3 during Lunch and Dinner times in the Dugout. All past bandanas can be used during game play! 


If you have any questions, comments or concerns please either e-mail us at or message the moderators in the game.



Doug Meyer headshot

Doug Meyer - Associate Director of Residential Life for Housing Operations

Department - Residence Halls-operations