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CURRICULUM VITAE: William Andrew Munro



Ph.D Yale University, 1991 (Political Science); M.Phil 1986.
M.A. Cambridge University, 1986 (Social and Political Sciences)
B.A. Cambridge University, 1982 (Social and Political Sciences)
B.A.(hons) Natal University, Pietermaritzburg, 1981 (History)


2003- Illinois Wesleyan University: Associate Professor of Political Science
2003- Illinois Wesleyan University: Director, International Studies Program
2002- University of Natal: Honorary Research Fellow, School of Development Studies
2000-2003 Illinois Wesleyan University: Assistant Professor of Political Science
1999-2000 University of Illinois: Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology
1991-1998 Northwestern University: Assistant Professor of Political Science
Spring 1991; Yale University: Acting Instructor
Fall 1989  
1983-1984 University: Junior Lecturer, Department of Politics


  • Comparative and International Politics
  • Political Economy of Development/Developing Countries
  • Agrarian Politics
  • Politics and the State in Africa
  • International Political Economy of Food and Agriculture
  • International Development
  • Theories of the Modern State
  • Social Movements and Political Protest



    The Moral Economy of the State: Conservation, Community Development and State-Making in Zimbabwe. (Athens OH: Ohio University Press, 1998).

Articles, Chapters and Research Reports:

    “Making Biotech History: Political Struggles over the Deployment of Genetically Modified Organisms.” (with Rachel Schurman) in Rachel A. Schurman and Dennis T. Kelso (eds), Engineering Trouble: Genetic Engineering and its Discontents, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003).

    “Ecological ‘Crisis’ and Resource Management Policy in Zimbabwe’s Communal Lands.” in Thomas Bassett and Donald Crummey, (eds)., African Savannahs: Global Narratives and Local Knowledge of Environmental Change in Africa (Oxford: James Currey, 2003)

    “Agency, Space and Power: the Geometries of Post-Conflict Development.” (With Lisa Bornstein) in Malinda S. Smith (ed), Globalizing Africa (Trenton: Africa World Press, 2003).

    “The Political Consequences of Local Electoral Systems: Democratic Change and the Politics of Differential Citizenship in South Africa.” Comparative Politics vol. 33, no.3, 2001.

    “Aid, Development and the State: Assessing Post-Conflict Situations.” Research Report no.46. Centre for Social And Development Studies, University of Natal (Durban), 2001.

    “‘The State in a Changing World:’ Plus ca Change? Reflections from the South on the World Bank’s 1997 World Development Report.” (With Vishnu Padayachee, Francie Lund and Imraan Valodia). Journal of International Development vol. 11, no.1, 1999.

    “Citizenship, Ethnicity and the Politics of Rural Democratization in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.” Boston University African Studies Center, Working Paper No. 215, 1998.

    “Dilemmas of Rural Local Government in KwaZulu-Natal.” (with Justin Barnes) Indicator SA, vol. 14, no.3, Spring 1997.

    “Contract Farming, Community Development and the Politics of Production among Small Growers in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.” African Rural and Urban Studies vol.3, no.3, 1996.

    “Power, Peasants and Political Development: Reconsidering State Construction in Africa.” Comparative Studies in Society and History vol. 38, no.1 January 1996.

    “Re-Forming the Post-Apartheid State? Citizenship and Rural Development in Contemporary South Africa.” Transformation 30 1996.

    “Revisiting Tradition; Reconstructing Identity? Afrikaner Nationalism and Political Transition in South Africa.” Politikon vol. 22, no.2, December 1995.

    “Building the Post-Colonial State: Villagization and Resource Management in Zimbabwe.” Politics and Society 23(1), March 1995.

    “The State and Sport: Political Maneuvering in the Civil Order.” in Wilmot G. James (ed), The State of Apartheid. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1987.

Reviews and Essays:

    Book Review: Martin Chanock: The Making of South African Legal Culture (Cambridge University Press, 2001), African Studies Review forthcoming.

    Book Review: Patrick Bond: Uneven Zimbabwe: A Study of Finance, Development and Underdevelopment (Trenton: Africa World Press, 1999), Africa vol.71, no.3, 2001.

    Book Review: Steven C. Rubert: A Most Promising Weed: A History of Tobacco Farming and Labor in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1890-1945. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 1998. International Journal of African Historical Studies vol.31, no.3, 1998.

    “The South African Election: Citizenship and the ‘Right to Vote’.” PAS News and Events 4(4), Summer 1994.

    Book Review: Stephen Ellmann: In a Time of Trouble: Law and Liberty in South Africa's State of Emergency. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1992. in The Law and Politics Book Review, 3(7), 1993.

    Book Review: Dickson A. Mungazi, Education and Government Control in Zimbabwe; A Study of the Commissions of Enquiry, 1908-1974. New York: Praeger, 1990. in Canadian Journal of African Studies, 26(3), 1992.


    “The Politics of Land and Conservation in Zimbabwe;” paper presented at African Studies Association Meeting, Baltimore, 3 November 1990.

    “State Power, State Theory and the Limits of Nationalism: Reflections on Political Development in Post-Colonial Africa.” Paper presented at the Congress of the Association for Sociology in Southern Africa, Pretoria, 30 June 1992.

    “The Political Economy of Self-Reliance in Post-Independence Zimbabwe.” Paper presented at annual meeting of the African Studies Association, Seattle, 20 November 1992.

    Visiting Lecturer at the International Studies Unit, Rhodes University, South Africa, 10-14 August 1992.

    Invited Participant, conference on “Development Perspectives for an Independent Namibia,” Rutgers University/University of Namibia, Camden, 28-29 September 1992.

    Invited Participant, workshop on “The Emergent Present in Kenya,” Rice University, 5-7 November 1992.

    “The Political Economy of Contemporary South Africa.” Presented to Independent Study Program on South Africa 1993, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, 7 January 1993.

    “White Political Factions and Political Transition in South Africa.” Paper presented at colloquium on South Africa, Lake Forest College, February 1994.

    “New Directions in the Study of African Political Development: A Critical Appraisal.” Paper presented at the annual congress of the South African Sociological Association, Pietermaritzburg, 5 July 1994.

    “Political Transition and Afrikaner Nationalism in South Africa.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, 2 September 1995. (Nominated by Comparative Politics Panel Chair as best paper presented at the conference).

    “Agrarian Institutions, the State and Democratization: Assessing the New Realism in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, 1 September 1995.

    “Between Community, Contract and Social Compact: Institution-building for Rural Development among Contract Farmers in South Africa.” Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Orlando, 5 November 1995.

    “Contract Farming, Community Development and the Politics of Production among Small-Growers in KwaZulu-Natal.” Paper presented to the Institute for Advanced Social Research, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 4 March 1996.

    “Restructuring Rural Politics? The RDP, Contract Farming and Collective Action in KwaZulu-Natal.” CSDS Visiting Fellow Seminar, University of Natal, Durban, 19 March 1996.

    “Flexible Accumulation and State Construction in Agrarian Settings: The Role of Farmers’ Organisations in KwaZulu-Natal.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of African Studies, Montreal, 2 May 1996.

    “Dilemmas of Rural Local Government in KwaZulu-Natal.” (with Justin Barnes) Workshop paper, Centre for Social and Development Studies, University of Natal, Durban, 9 September 1996.

    “Constructing the Post-Apartheid State: The RDP, Rural Development and Democratisation in South Africa.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, San Francisco, 23-26 November 1996.

    “Ethnicity, Citizenship and the Politics of Rural Democratization in Post-Apartheid South Africa.” Paper presented to the Workshop on Historical Sociology and Comparative Politics, University of Chicago, April 1997.

    Panel Chair and Discussant: “Shifting Development Paradigms: Theory, Practice and Politics.” Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, Toronto, 18 March 1997.

    “South African Legacies: Historical, Political and Regional Context.” presented to Workshop on Succeeding in Emerging Economies: Issues and Preparation, with special focus on South Africa. Organized by Kellogg Graduate School of Management and Northwestern University Law School, 30 May 1997.

    “Reflections on The World Bank’s 1997 World Development Report, ‘The State in a Changing World’.” presented at a Round-Table on “Assessing the World Bank’s 1997 World Development Report” at the Illinois Political Science Association meeting, 25 October 1997.

    “Making Sense of Malaise: Developmentalism, Agrarian Structure and State Formation in Contemporary Africa.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the African Studies Association, Columbus OH, 13-16 November 1997.

    “South Africa’s Industrial Structure and Macroeconomic Strategies: Prospects for the Future.” Presented to Global Initiatives in Management Program, the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, 28 January 1998.

    “Politics and Economics in Africa: Current Conditions and Prospects for the 21st Century.” Presented to the Program on Teaching About Africa, Chicago, 21 March 1998.

    “Ecological ‘Crisis’ and Resource Management Policy in Zimbabwe’s Communal Lands.” Paper presented at an International Symposium: African Savannahs: New Perspectives on the Environment and Social Change, 2-4 April 1998.

    “Contested Communities: Ethnic Power, Flexible Production and the Politics of Place in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.” Paper presented at the 14th World Congress of Sociology, Montreal, 30 July 1998.

    Panel Chair and Discussant: “Cultural Action and the Boundaries of Oppression.” Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Chicago, 31 October 1998.

    “Ethnic Identity and Political Demobilization: The Politics of Tradition in South Africa’s Emerging Democracy.” paper presented at the annual meeting of the Social Science History Association, Chicago, 4-6 November 1998.

    “Multilateral Donors and the Emergence of a ‘Post-Conflict Model’ for Aid and Development in Southern Africa.” Position paper presented at a Workshop on Donor Roles, Recipient Strategies and New Policy Agendas in Post-Conflict Southern Africa, Centre for Social and Development Studies, University of Natal (Durban), 11 August 1999.

    Panel Chair and Discussant “Ownership and Control in the Globalizing Political Economy.” Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, Los Angeles, 18 March 2000.

    “Food Fights: Political Struggles over the Deployment of Genetically Modified Organisms.” (with Rachel Schurman). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Association, Washingotn DC, 13-16 August 2000.

    “Displacing Violence: The Politics of Tradition in Post-Conflict South Africa.” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC, 31 August 2000.

    “Regional Integration and the New Policy Agendas of International Donors in Post-Conflict Societies.” (With Lisa Bornstein). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Associated Colleges and Schools of Planning, Atlanta, 2-5 November 2000.

    “Crisis in the Aid Industry.” presented at plenary session of conference on Donors in Transitional Southern Africa: The Contested Terrain of Development Aid. Durban, South Africa, October 30 - November 1, 2001.

    “Food Fights: How Social Activists Turned the Tide of Biotechnology.” lecture presented at Faculty Colloquium, Illinois Wesleyan University, 8 March 2002.

    “Conditionalities, Regional Development, and the Discipline of Aid: Reflections from Southern Africa.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Third World Foundation, Chicago, March 28-30, 2002.

    “Sustaining Rage: Strategic Capacity and Motivating Sensibilities in the Anti-Genetic Engineering Movement.” (with Rachel Schurman). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, Chicago, August 14-18, 2002.

    “Debt, Discipline and the Paradox of Sovereignty: The Politics of Aid and Regional Integration in Southern Africa.” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Washington, 5-8 December 2002.

    "To Civilise the Land and the People:’ Environment and Governmentality in Late-Colonial Zimbabwe.” paper in preparation for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Environmental History, Providence RI, March 2003.



1987 Yale University, Hochschild Research Fellowship
1986 Ernest and Ethel Eriksen Trust Fellowship
1985-1986 Human Sciences Research Council Doctoral Merit Bursary
1984-1988 Yale University Fellowship
1984 Fulbright Fellowship
1981 Ernest Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Fellowship
1980-1982 Elsie Ballott Scholarship for post-graduate study at Cambridge University
1980 Samuel Edelstein Post-Graduate Scholarship


Aug. 1999- IDRC Commissioned Research for Multi-member Project: Donor Roles, Recipient
Feb. 2000 Strategies and New Policy Agendas in Post-Conflict Southern Africa. “Aid, Development and the State: Assessing Post-Conflict Situations.”
Summer 1999 University of Illinois Campus Research Board Grant, “Democratic Change and Institutional Innovation: Power, Property and Citizenship in Rural South Africa.”

University of Natal, Durban, South Africa, Jill Nattrass Visiting Research Fellowship, Centre for Social and Development Studies, “Power, Property and Citizenship: Institution- Building and Political Change in Rural South Africa.”

COURSES TAUGHT (Illinois Wesleyan University; Northwestern University; University of Illinois)


  • People in the Streets: The Politics of Popular Protest (Gateway Seminar) (IWU)
  • International Politics (IWU)
  • Conflict Areas (IWU)
  • Politics in Africa (IWU; NU)
  • International Law and Organization (IWU)
  • Social Movements (IWU; U of I)
  • Senior Research Seminar (IWU)
  • The Politics of identity: Nation, Class and Community (freshman seminar) (NU)
  • Appetites for Power: Hunger and Plenty in the Global Food Economy (freshman sem) (NU)
  • Politics in South Africa (senior research seminar) (NU)
  • Peasant Politics (NU)
  • The Politics of Food: Agriculture, International Economy and the Environment (NU)
  • Honors Research Seminar in Political Science (NU)
  • Southern Africa: Race and Power (U of I)
  • Africa in World Perspective (U of I)
  • Perspectives on Global Society (U of I)


  • Themes in the study of modern Africa:
  • Structures of Power: Classes, Cultures, Institutions
  • Economic Crisis and Democratization
  • Ecology and Conflict
  • Critical Methodologies Workshop