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Major & Minor Requirements

Major Sequence

A minimum of 10 course units in political science, including:

  1. Six electives (at least two of which must be at the 300 level or above)
  2. Four required courses:
    • PSCI 101, 102, or 103
    • PSCI 315, 316, 317, or 318
    • PSCI 392
    • PSCI 415
  3. Political science majors must also satisfy an off-campus requirement. This requirement does not necessarily involve a specific course. Rather, students can satisfy this requirement by completing any of the following:
    • PSCI 395, 396,or 397
      Note: Please see PSCI 396 or 397 – Which internship should I take?
    • A Study Abroad program
    • The Washington Semester
    • The Chicago Urban Studies Program
    • A department-approved May Term course. Students seeking to apply a May Term course to this requirement must obtain the department chair’s approval for doing so prior to the beginning of the course.

Political science majors are also encouraged to take relevant courses in the following areas: economics, history, philosophy, statistics, and sociology.

Minor Sequence

Students contemplating a minor in political science should consult with the department head before choosing courses. The minor consists of six courses, to include:

  1. At least one course from each of the two areas listed below:
    • PSCI 101,  102, or 103
    • PSCI 315, 316, 317, or 318
  2. At least one other course at the 300 level or above (in addition to the 300-level courses listed above, excluding 398)
  3. Three additional electives in political science (for a total of six courses, excluding 398)

Not more than one course unit of independent study or internship may count toward the minor (PSCI 250, 397, or 402).

View the courses offered by the Department of Political Science.

William Munro headshot

William Munro - Betty Ritchie-Birrer '47 and Ivan Birrer, Ph.D. Endowed Professor of Political Science

Department - Political Science