Abdel Isakovic
Abdel Isakovic
Assistant Professor of Physics
Tue: 3:20-5:50 p.m.
Wed: 3:20-4:50 p.m.
Fri: 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Prof. Isakovic graduated with PhD in Physics from University of Minnesota, and has subsequently worked at Cornell University, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Khalifa University (a higher ed startup in UAE), and most recently, Colgate University.
He is interested in physics of imperfect things, such as:
- spin of electron and helicity of photon that change over time,
- how do electrons and photons manage to share information with each other,
- biological systems are highly functional, so it pays to imitate them well, so can we solve some other problems by finding inspiration in biology
- how to quantify mechanical or electrical damage to biological cells, and how stuff gets through cell membranes.
Prof. Isakovic also works on developing new modes of learning and instruction, such as computer quiz games and collaborative workshops.
Teaching duties at Illinois Wesleyan
PHYS-405 Theoretical Mechanics
PHYS-375 Introduction to Quantum, Nanoscale, and Topological Materials
PHYS-105/-101 Introductory Physics Labs (Mechanics)
PHYS-299 Intermediate Experimental Physics Methods
PHYS-308 Scientific Imaging
PHYS-106/-102 Introductory Physics Labs (E&M & Optics)
His research areas are:
- Condensed matter physics (spintronics, charge and spin density waves, graphene oxide, X-ray and infrared structural and imaging methods, composites, nanoscience, quantum and topological materials)
- Biophysics (cells on a chip, lipid membranes, cell motility)
- Bio-inspired computing and networks (particle swarm optimization, ant colony optimization, genetic algorithm, neural networks)
- Education research methods in STEM
Whether you are a college or a high school student, if interested in natural sciences, you are encouraged to contact Prof. Isakovic with questions about science, careers, or studying at IWU. Contact from high school science teachers is also welcome.
Selected recent publications (students’ names are in bold):
Nicholas G. Hallfors, Dejan Maksimovski, Ilyas A. H. Farhat, M. Abi-Jaoude, Aarthi R. Devarajan, K. Liao, M. Ismail, Hadley Pade, R. Y. Adhikari, A. F. Isakovic, “Layered, Tunable Graphene Oxide-Nylon Composite Heterostructures for Wearable Electrocardiogram Sensors”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 013701, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0120774
Deborah L. Gater, Keontre’ I. Hughes, Vivian Stojanoff, A. F. Isakovic, “Phase Heterogeneity in Cholesterol-containing Ternary Phospholipid Lamellar Phases”, ACS Omega 8, 6225, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c04914
Szu S. Ling, F. Saffre, D. L. Gater, L. Halim, A. F. Isakovic, “Computer Quiz Games in General Chemistry for Engineering Majors”, J. Chem. Educ. 101, 868. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.jchemed.3c00479
Zainab Hussain, Amna Al Zaabi, Hanno Hildmann, F. Saffre, D. Ruta, A. F. Isakovic, “Search and Rescue in a Maze-like Environment with Ant and Dijkstra Algorithms”, Drones 6, 273, https://doi.org/10.3390/drones6100273
Nicholas S. DiBrita, Khouloud Eledlebi, Hanno Hildmann, Lucas Culley, A. F. Isakovic, “Temporal Graphs and Temporal Network Characteristics for Bio-inspired Networks During Optimization”, Applied Sciences 12, 1315, https://doi.org/10.3390/app12031315
Amina Belkadi, Emma Zeng, A. F. Isakovic, “Ni3Si2 Nanowires for Efficient Electron Field Emission and Limitations of the Fowler-Nordheim Model”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 40, 013202, https://doi.org/10.1116/6.0001248
Nicholas G. Hallfors, Jeremy C. M. Teo, Peter M. Bertone, Chakra P. Joshi, Ajymurat Orozaliev, M. N. Martin, A. F. Isakovic, “Electrodeformation of White Blood Cells Enriched with Gold Nanoparticles”, Processes 10, 134, https://doi.org/10.3390/pr10010134
Khouloud Eledlebi, D. Ruta, H. Hildmann, F. Saffre, Y. Al Hammadi, A. F. Isakovic, “Coverage and Energy Analysis of Mobile Sensor Nodes in Obstructed Noisy Indoor Environments: A Voronoi Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 21, 2745, https://doi:10.1109/TMC.2020.3046184
Tamador Alkhidir, M. Abi-Jaoude, D. L. Gater, C. Alpha, A. F. Isakovic, “Detection of Some Amino Acids with Modulation-doped and Surface-nanoengineered GaAs Schottky PIN Diodes”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 38, 054002, https://doi.org/10.1116/6.0000186
You can also visit his personal website www.afisakovic.com