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Physics Concentrations

At Illinois Wesleyan, Physics majors have the option of pursuing a concentration in Optics & Photonics or a concentration in Astrophysics.

Concentration in Optics & Photonics:

A minimum of eleven courses and units including:

  1. PHYS 105 and 106
  2. PHYS 207, 304, and 399
  3. PHYS 406
  4. One course selected from PHYS 405, 407, and 408
  5. Two courses selected from PHYS 307, 308, and 317
  6. Two additional courses and units in physics selected by the student with consultation and approval of the major advisor/department chair to form a coherent program.

Physics student working with a machineConcentration in Quantum Science & Technology (QST):

A minimum of eleven courses and units including:

  1. PHYS 105 and 106
  2. PHYS 207, 304, and 301
  3. PHYS 407
  4. One course selected from PHYS 405, 406, and 408
  5. PHYS 321 (QST I), 322 (QST II)
  6. One course selected from PHYS 323 (Q Mat), PHYS 317 (Q Optics)
  7. One additional course and unit in physics selected by the student with consultation and approval of the major advisor/department chair to form a coherent program.


Concentration in Astrophysics:

A minimum of eleven courses and units including:

  1. PHYS 105 and 106
  2. PHYS 207, 304, and 399
  3. Two courses selected from PHYS 405, 406, 407, and 408; one of these must come from Physics 405, 406
  4. One course selected from PHYS 307, 308, and 408
  5. PHYS 310
  6. PHYS 370 (Cosmology)
  7. Two additional courses and units in physics selected by the student with consultation and approval of the major advisor/department chair to form a coherent program.
Narendra Jaggi headshot

Narendra Jaggi - Professor and Chair of Physics

Department - Physics