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Pathways: Transforming

Transforming at IWU

You are now prepared for the advanced/high-level opportunities that are the culmination of your curricular and co-curricular skills and experiences. In this phase, you are actively working toward the realization of your personal and professional goals.

Check-In Questions

Use the links in these prompts for resources that can help you

  • Are you managing your stress safely and finding the support you need?
  • Do you have any friends you are worried about that might need a referral for assistance?
  • Is your personal statement ready for graduate school applications?
  • Do you need to prepare for the LSAT, GMAT, MCAT, GRE, or other graduate school exam?
  • Have you considered taking a gap year before graduate school?
  • Have you done a practice interview at the Hart Career Center?
  • Have you networked with any IWU alumni?
  • Do you know how you handle your student loans when you graduate?
  • Are you excited to graduate soon?

Documents to Update/Add to Your Pathways Folder on Google Drive

  • Your current resume/CV
  • A current photo of yourself 
  • Your current Pathways Plan 
  • Transforming Reflection Questions
  • Your capstone paper or project
  • Examples of your work that could be a good writing sample if you need one in the future
  • List of people who can write a reference letter for you

Transforming Relfection Questions

Think about these questions as your IWU journey comes to a close: 

  • What are 3 of your favorite memories of IWU so far?
  • What are 3 pieces of advice would you give to a new IWU student on how to make the most of their time here?
  • What are 3 things you feel you should do before you graduate?

What you should do

Connect with your support network and talk with them about your short-term and long-term goals as you reach the end of your Wesleyan career. Thank them for their on-going support and guidance. Reach out to the people that count on you in their support network. 

Complete the capstone in your major area(s) of study. Lean on your study skills and discipline to help you succeed. Remember to meet with your Ames Library liaison and visit the Writing Center early and often to work on your writing and presenting skills. 

Share your research. Present your work at the John Wesley Powell conference (held in the spring semester) or present a poster at the Center for Engaged Learning Expo (held during homecoming). Talk with faculty about whether your original work could be published with TributariesRes Publica, or the Park Place Economist. 

Study abroad and see how global citizenship is part of IWU’s mission. Many alumni tell us that their studying abroad was one of the most important parts of their Wesleyan experience. 

Complete an internship or more than one internship. Talk with your co-workers on the job how they navigated the path from school to career. Update your resume so that it captures your new skills. Whether your internship confirms or challenges your career path, talk with the Hart Career Center and your advisor about what happens next. 

Mentor young leaders in your student organization. Share your experience and expertise with new members of your group. Assist with succession planning so that your organization grows. 

Continue to learn beyond the classroom by exploring campus events. Take full advantage of all the opportunities you have at IWU. Challenge yourself to attend every type of event on campus before you graduate. Have you been to a volleyball game? A gallery opening? A play? A 3D lecture by the Office of Diversity & Inclusion? An Esports tournament? A workshop in the IDEA Center? A multifaith celebration?

Get ready for what’s next. Your post-IWU plans might include graduate school, work, a gap year, travel, or launching a business. You might return home or move across the world. To stay on top of all the details, make a plan and keep a calendar of important deadlines. Take care of yourself and make sure your health and wellness are a priority.

Connect with your friends. Count on the strong relationships you have with your peers as you manage the stress and excitement. Time goes by quickly as you are trying to wrap up one phase of your life and move into the next. As you come to the end of your Wesleyan journey, share your accomplishments and celebrate your successes. 

Your academic advisor and other campus mentors will ask you about

  • Your overall experience at IWU including how the high and low points shaped your time here
  • How you synthesize your curricular and co-curricular experiences to think like a scholar in your discipline
  • The important decisions you are making as you consider your next steps after IWU and how you are managing the stress of a major transition/life milestone