Carney-Hall Receives Regional Award for Performance as Dean
Nov. 10, 2022
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. — Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students Karla Carney-Hall has been awarded the Scott Goodnight Award for Outstanding Performance as Dean in the Upper Midwest/Great Lakes region.
The award through NASPA (National Association of Student Personnel Administrators) recognizes a senior student affairs officer who has demonstrated sustained professional achievement in student affairs work, innovative response in meeting students’ varied and emerging needs, effectiveness in developing staff and leadership in community and college or university affairs.
“I’m blessed to have a meaningful career as an educator and advocate for incredible students. Any of my accomplishments are

shared by a talented, inspirational team of student affairs colleagues, faculty and other partners at IWU and across the field. I’m proud of the work we do together and am fortunate to get to work at a great place with great people. I am very honored and humbled by this award,” said Carney-Hall.
Several current and past colleagues nominated Carney-Hall for the award which is named after Scott Goodnight, the founding member of NASPA’s board of directors and former Dean of Men at the University of Wisconsin.
In his nomination letter, former Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs Brandon Common acknowledged the efforts by Carney-Hall to advocate for the student body.
“Karla is a fervent student advocate who operates from the perspective that every student deserves the best in all facets of their out-of-classroom experience and she challenges those around her to meet this expectation,” said Common.
“I do not speak in hyperbole when I say that she has played as large of a role in shaping IWU at the institutional level as any administrator over the last decade,” he continued.
Nominators touted Carney-Hall’s achievements since joining IWU as dean in 2011, including the creation of campus programming surrounding diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives; spearheading of the University's Annual Intellectual Theme program; and ongoing support of the student body and those in her department.
“No single person has had a greater impact on my career and life than Karla due to her consistent, thoughtful and ever-present support of my growth and learning as a professional and person,” said Associate Dean of Students and Campus Life Kevin Carey '13 in his nomination letter.
“She’s a game-changer, innovative thinker and committed to lifelong learning as a dean of students.”’
By Maria Harmon '23