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News Releases 2021

Memorial Center Seal

Illinois Wesleyan Announces Fall Dean's List

February 19, 2021 | By John Twork

Illinois Wesleyan's Dean's List for the fall semester of the 2020-21 academic year consisted of 771 students from 28 states and 15 countries.


Newly Virtual Writing Center Expands Services

February 12, 2021 | By John Twork

The Writing Center is expanding its services beyond the walls of Illinois Wesleyan, with additional online workshops and one-on-one tutoring sessions aimed at IWU graduates and high school students alike.

NexSTEM Research Symposium

NexSTEM Scholars Present Research Virtually

February 5, 2021 | By John Twork

STEM research continues amid the ongoing pandemic, as student researchers recently presented findings from their semester-long projects at the virtual 2020-21 Fall NexSTEM Research Symposium.


New Faculty Book Tackles the Past and Present of American Healthcare

February 5, 2021 | By John Twork

Professor of Political Science Greg Shaw takes on the behemoth question of how to pay for healthcare in the United States in a new book: Medicare and Medicaid: A Reference Handbook.

Student Activities

Physically Distant Student Life Brings New Levels of Engagement

February 1, 2021 | By John Twork

The social scene at Illinois Wesleyan is still thriving amid the COVID-19 pandemic, with a roster of limited capacity in-person events along with virtual and hybrid activities that, in some cases, produced even higher attendance than during pre-pandemic...

Dave Kindred

Kindred '63 Authors Memoir on Grandson Lost to Addiction

January 29, 2021 | By John Twork

From National Hall of Fame sports writer Dave Kindred '63, Leave Out the Tragic Parts: A Grandfather's Search for a Boy Lost to Addiction draws on a lifetime of reporting to piece together the emotional journey of his grandson Jared's struggle...

Zoe Bouras

Global Citizen Bouras '18 Advocates Locally for Immigrant Rights

January 22, 2021 | By John Twork

Zoe Bouras, a 2018 Illinois Wesleyan graduate who moved to the U.S. from England when she was 10 years old, has returned to Central Illinois to help immigrants, like herself, thrive.

MLK Day of Celebration

Faculty and Staff Engage in Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Celebration

January 14, 2021 | By John Twork

During this year's Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Celebration at Illinois Wesleyan, faculty and staff are engaging, virtually due to the ongoing pandemic, in professional development dedicated to "Undoing Racism Through Creative Practice for Racial...


Message from President Nugent About Events in Washington, D.C.

January 7, 2021 | By Ann Aubry

As an institution of higher learning, let us engage and support each other in a shared commitment to the ideals on which our nation was founded, but which remain an aspiration not yet achieved.