Bloomington Tops National Survey

Nov. 13, 2020
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. — Bloomington, home to Illinois Wesleyan University, has been named the “happiest city” in the U.S., according to Zippia’s 2020 list of the 10 “Happiest Cities” in the country .
Zippia, a career advice website, analyzed more than 600 cities across the country and ranked them according to five criteria to measure overall happiness, including: being well educated (population with at least a bachelor’s degree); percent of households earning above $75,000; median home prices; a short commute to work; having a family.
According to data from the most recent American Community Survey , Zippia cited that 43% of Bloomington residents earn $75,000 or more annually, and the average Bloomington resident drives only 16 minutes to work. As a college town, Bloomington is home to a well-educated population and offers affordable housing. “It’s easy to see the city has a lot going for it,” Zippia commented.
In addition to Zippia’s ranking, Bloomington was recently recognized as one of “ America’s Best Small Cities ,” ranking 23rd on the 2020 list compiled by Best Cities. A division of Resonance Consultancy, Best Cities recognized Bloomington for being “a safe (ranked No. 30 for Safety) and vibrant community that embodies Midwest hospitality and ambition.”
Bloomington was also recently featured among Best Choice Schools’ 2020 list of “ 30 Small College Towns with Great Quality of Life .” As home to Illinois Wesleyan University and a close neighbor to Illinois State University in Normal, Best Choice Schools touted local businesses that “cater to the student population,” and cited the combination of a low cost-of-living combined with several big employers that make Bloomington “a great location to both attend college and start a life.”
By Megan Baker ’21