Rettberg ’20 Honored as 2019 Student Laureate
Dec. 5, 2019

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. –– Illinois Wesleyan University political science major and philosophy minor Kayley Rettberg ’20 of Carol Stream, Illinois, has been named a 2019 Student Laureate by The Lincoln Academy of Illinois.
The Lincoln Academy’s Student Laureate Awards are presented to seniors who demonstrate excellence in curricular and extracurricular activities. The award is presented to one senior from each of Illinois’ four-year, degree-granting colleges and universities, as well as the state’s community colleges.
During the Student Laureate Convocation held at the Old State Capitol State Historic Site in Springfield, Illinois, the award-winners received a Student Laureate medallion and a check for $1,000 from The Lincoln Academy.
“Being chosen as a Student Laureate is an absolutely incredible honor,” Rettberg said. “I feel extremely proud and grateful to have been chosen and to be an IWU student. Additionally, being chosen as a Student Laureate comes with the responsibility to continually live out my life and career with integrity, compassion, and dignity.”
Rettberg is a leader both in the classroom and the IWU community. She is a member of the academic honors societies Phi Beta Kappa and Mortar Board, a member of the political science honors society, Pi Sigma Alpha, and a member of the women’s and gender studies honors society, Tri Iota.
“I am also really excited to be conducting my honors research in philosophy next semester,” Rettberg said.
Outside of academics, Rettberg is the Senior Class President, President of the Secular Student Alliance, President of the Hiking Club, a captain of the Ethics Bowl Team, and a student leader for Alternative Spring Break.
After graduating from Illinois Wesleyan in the spring, Rettberg plans to attend law school.
By Megan Baker ’21