Finding Full Text in PubMed
Note: For PubMed to display links to the Ames Library's Electronic Journal Holdings, you must do one of the following:
- Use the PubMed links on the A-Z Resources webpage or a library LibGuide or;
- Create a PubMed "My NCBI account" and set Illinois Wesleyan University - Get This! as the preference in Pubmed's Outside Tool option.
Setting up a My NCBI Account with the OutSide Tool
My NCBI is a service offered by PubMed where users can create accounts to save searches and results, be alerted with new results for saved searches and link directly to the Ames Library Print and Electronic Journal Holdings. You will still have to login into the Proxy Server if accessing electronic journals off campus.
To set up a My NCBI Account:
- Go to -
- Click "Sign in to NCBI" at the top right-hand side of the page
- Click on "Register for an NCBI Account" and fill in the appropriate information
After setting up you account you will need to login and add "Illinois Wesleyan University - Get This!" to your Outside Tool preference.
- Sign into "My NCBI"
- On your My NCBI page, click on the NCBI Site Preferences link located on the top right side of the page.
- On the My NCBI Preferences page, under PubMed Preferences, choose "Outside Tool".
- Scroll down the page to find and select "Illinois Wesleyan University - Get This!" from the list and click Save.
- Your outside tool preference is in effect only when you are signed in to My NCBI.