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Western European Studies Concentration

This concentration is not longer available for students entering in 2021-2022. Students interested in Western Europe should look into Art History, Hispanic Studies, History, and Music History offerings. 

The Western European Studies team (WES) promotes the study of the European Union by developing new courses, promoting events and sponsoring lectures. This concentration area has a multidisciplinary focus and benefits from the rich diversity of its members. Our courses cover a wide variety of topics in the humanities, languages and social sciences. Students can learn about European culture from Antiquity to the present day and explore the political and economic challenges faced by European nations. Through multiple study abroad programs, our majors and minors have the opportunity to enrich their learning experience during a semester at a European university.

Requirements for the major or minor sequence in Western European Studies.

Team Members:

Carmela Ferradans

Carmela Ferradans

Hispanic Studies


Edgar Lehr

Edgar Lehr



Carolyn Nadeau

Carolyn Nadeau

Hispanic Studies



Carmela Ferradáns headshot

Carmela Ferradáns - Director of International & Global Studies, Professor of Hispanic Studies World Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Department - World Languages, Literatures And Cultures