Major Sequence in Western European Studies
Explanation of the Concentration: As with other concentrations within the International Studies rubric, the Western European Studies Concentration requires students to complete four core courses:
- IS 240: Introduction to International Studies;
- One course on international systems, structures and processes;
- One course on the nature and analysis of culture;
- IS 488: the Senior Seminar.
Language Proficiency: French or German 202 or Spanish 280 or equivalent. Students who also wish to pursue a major or minor in German Studies, French and Francophone Studies or Hispanic Studies may substitute this course requirement with a course from Section A or Section C
Five courses with at least one but no more than two courses in any one category (A, B, or C) and no more than two courses covering the period prior to 1800.
One semester of study abroad in Western Europe. Course Work for requirement #2 may be completed during the period of study abroad. Such courses are subject to the approval of the Director of International Studies.
A) Fine Arts and Literature
- Art 316: Enlightenment to Manet
- Art 318: Manet to Dada
- *English 241: Such a Knight: Medieval Chivalry
- *English 243: A Survey of English Poems, 1500-1700 (prerequisite: GW Colloquium)
- *English 245: Comedy of Manners
- *English 341: Medieval Literature
- *English 342: Renaissance Literature
- *English 343: Restoration and 18th Century
- English 344: Romantic Literature
- English 346: Victorian Literature
- English 348: Recent and Contemporary British Literature
- *English 391: Chaucer
- *English 393: Shakespeare's Comedies and Histories
- *English 394: Shakespeare's Tragedies and Romances
- French 303: Introduction to Literature I: Individual and Society
- French 304: Introduction to Literature II: Ideals of Love
- *French 405: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Literature
- German 488: Von Demokratie zur Diktatur
- Literature and Culture 116: German Postwar Cinema
- Music 351: History of Opera
- Spanish 360: Special Topics in Media and Film (focus on Spain only)
- *Spanish 408: Early Spanish Literature
- Spanish 418: Modern Spanish Literature
- **Spanish 470: Special topics in Hispanic Literature (focus on Spain only)
- **Spanish 490: Senior Seminar (Focus on Spain only)
B) Social and Political Science; Business and Economics
- Business 451: International Business
- Economics 325: History of Economic Thought
- Economics 352: International Finance
- French 310: Business French
- *History 120: The Ancient and Medieval West
- *History 121: Renaissance, Reformation and Revolution
- History 122: Modern Global History
- History 215: Medieval Europe
- History 221: The Holocaust
- History 223: The Two World Wars
- *History 321: Tudor-Stuart England
- History 322: Love and Death in Freud's Vienna
- History 325: Modern Germany
- Political Science 218: Advanced Democracies
- *Political Science 315: Classical Political Thought
- Political Science 316: Modern Political Thought
- *Spanish 403: History of the Spanish Language
C) Cultural History and Philosophy
- French 301: Language and Culture
- French 312: French Cinema
- *French 315: French Civilization I: Roman Gaul to the Renaissance
- *French 316: French Civilization II, Renaissance to Revolution
- German 418: German Culture since 1945
- *History 224: Century of Genius
- *History 225: The Englightenment
- *Humanities 101: World of Ideas: The Ancient World
- *Humanities 102: World of Ideas: 5th-16th Centuries
- *Humanities 103: World of Ideas: 17th-18th Centuries
- Humanities 104: World of Ideas: The Modern Era
- Literature and Culture 112: German Romanticism
- Literature and Culture 260: Viva l'Italia: Exploring Italian Language & Culture
- *Philosophy 280: History of Ancient Philosophy
- Philosophy 281: History of Modern Philosophy
- *Spanish 314: Iberian Culture and Civilization
- **Spanish 320: Studies in Cultural History (Focus on Spain only)
- **Spanish 330/350: Studies in Literature and Culture (taken in Spain)
*Designates courses prior to 1800. Courses whose content straddle this marker will be considered as modern, if greater than 50 percent of the syllabus is devoted to the period post-1800.
**Designates courses whose focus (pre-1800 or post-1800) varies depending on the instructor.
Minor Sequence
At least two courses must be at the 300-400 level.
Core Course: International Studies 240: Introduction to International Studies
Language proficiency: French or German 202 or Spanish 280 or equivalent
Four courses with at least one from categories A, B, and C and no more than two courses covering the period prior to 1800. (See lists under Western European Studies Concentration.)

Carmela Ferradáns - Director of International & Global Studies, Professor of Hispanic Studies World Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Department - World Languages, Literatures And Cultures