As a PNM you have a certain set of Rights. Please read through these and if at any time during the recruitment process you feel your rights are being violated contact your Recruitment Counslor or the Office of Student Involvement.
As a Potential New Member you have:
THE RIGHT to be treated as an individual.
THE RIGHT to be fully informed about the Recruitment process.
THE RIGHT to ask questions and receive true and objective answers from Gamma Chis.
THE RIGHT to be treated with respect.
THE RIGHT to be treated as a capable and mature person without being patronized.
THE RIGHT to ask how and why and receive straight answers.
THE RIGHT to make informed choices without undue pressure from others.
THE RIGHT to be fully informed about the binding agreements implicit in preference card signing.
THE RIGHT to make one's own choice and decision and accept full responsibility for the result
of the decisions.
THE RIGHT to have a positive, safe and enriching Recruitment experience
- A woman is eligible to participate in membership recruitment is she is a regularly matriculated student at Illinois Wesleyan University.
- A woman shall not be, or have ever been, an initiated member of an NPC group and join another NPC group.
- A woman is ineligible for membership recruitment if she has been a new member of an NPC fraternity at Illinois Wesleyan University within one calendar year.
- A woman shall register for membership recruitment and pay a $25.00 non-refundable registration fee.
- A woman shall attend orientation & all parties to which she has accepted invitations. In the event of an excused absence, illness or emergency, she should notify Panhellenic and/or her Gamma Chi if she cannot attend.
- A woman will provide her own transportation or use transportation provided by Panhellenic to and from membership recruitment events.
- A woman must contact her Recruitment Counselor and/or the College Panhellenic if she desires to withdraw from the membership recruitment process and complete a withdrawal evaluation.
- From August 1st through the end of membership recruitment, no Potential New Member may visit a women's fraternity chapter except to attend invitational or open recruitment events.
- No women's fraternity member may buy anything for a Potential New Member.
- A woman shall not give a promise, either verbal or written, to join a certain sorority before bids are issued through Panhellenic.
- A woman will complete a Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement after the last event she attends. It is a binding contract and once this has been signed, no changes may be made.
- Any woman signing a Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement and receiving a bid at the end of the membership recruitment will be bound by the agreement for one calendar year at Illinois Wesleyan University.
- Strict silence is the time during which there is no conversation or contact between women's fraternity members and prospective members. This includes all references to fraternities, verbal, written, typed or printed. Strict silence is the period from the end of the woman's last event until she reports to the fraternity from which she accepts a bid.
- A list of all membership financial responsibilities will be given to each Potential New Member by Panhellenic or each member fraternity during membership recruitment. Panhellenic may give a range of fees as general information.
- We ask that each PNM only brings with them what is necessary (room keys). Recruitment Counselors will keep track of your items throughout the night and return them to you at the end of the night.
- Cell phone use is not permitted during any formal recruitment event. We highly suggest you do not bring your cell phones to any recruitment event. In the act of an emergency, cell phone use will be permitted.
- Potential New Members will take nothing from the chapter houses they visit. All trash and other items will be taken by the chapter members.