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House Managers

University-Owned Fraternity Chapter Houses

Illinois Wesleyan University currently employs 5 student house managers in our University-owned fraternity chapter houses. These house managers act as liaisons between their individual chapters and the Office of Student Involvement. Primary duties include coordination of check-in and check-out procedures in the facilities, monitoring work orders submitted for issues that arise in the facilities, and working with their chapter to ensure the facility is properly maintained. 

Additionally, the Director of Student Involvement and Graduate Assistant of Student Involvement provide continual training and support to the house managers. 


Kasie Thompson
Kasie Thompson
Graduate Assistant of Student Involvement
Director of Student Involvement
Alex Hathaway
Alex Hathaway
House Manager
Jake Slovin
Jake Slovin
House Manager
Phi Gamma Delta
Colin Orchard
Colin Orchard
House Manager
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Eric Kozlowsk
Eric Kozlowsk
House Manager
Theta Chi

House Manager Resources

To enter a Fraternity House Damage Charge Back Form, click HERE.

To enter in the House Manager Weekly Report, click HERE.

To enter in the Weekly Facility Walk-Through Form, click HERE.

Privately-Owned Sorority Chapter Houses

The four NPC sororities at Illinois Wesleyan University are housed in privately-owned chapter houses. These facilities are managed by a Housing Board consisting of chapter alumna and employ a full-time House Director. In a partnership with the Housing Boards, IWU counts these facilities as University-approved and provides these chapter employees with some resources such as an IWU email address.

Courtney Turnbull headshot

Courtney Turnbull - Assistant Director of Student Involvement

Department - Office Of Student Involvement