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Communication Major Requirements

A minimum of 10 courses, covering at least four subject areas {ART, BUS, ENGL, FLM, HIST, JOUR, LC, PSCI, SOC, etc) with no more than four courses taken in JOUR, no more than three courses taken in any other single subject, and a minimum of four courses at the 300-400 level. No more than two internships may count toward the major. Courses that are not listed below but are appropriate and available may be considered for inclusion.

  1. JOUR 211: Writing for Media
  2. Two courses in Strategic Communication and/or Journalism:
    • JOUR 212: Opinion Writing
    • JOUR 315: Public Relations and Strategic Communication
    • JOUR 325: Feature Writing and In-depth Reporting
  3. One course in Storytelling/Narrative Craft:
    • ENGL 201: Writing Fiction
    • ENGL 206: Creative Nonfiction
    • ENGL 214: Digital Storytelling
    • THEA 342: Screenwriting
  4. One course in Design:
    • ART 141: Graphic Design
    • ART 240: Digital Photography
    • ART 242: Web Design
  5. Two Courses Communication Application: This requirement emphasizes media and new media production and/or marketing. (No more than one course may be taken as an internship.)
    • BUS 331: Marketing: Principles and Management
    • ENGL 374: Literary Editing and Publishing*
    • ENGL 335: Internship in Professional Writing
    • JOUR 213: New Media
    • JOUR 397: Internship in Editing and Publishing
    • PSCI 398/SOC 398: Grant Writing*
  6. One Course in Audience and Analysis: This requirement emphasizes the theoretical, historical, social, and cultural context within which various media and new media forms are produced and experienced.
    • ENGL 109: Poetry through Performance
    • ENGL 313: Stand-Up Poetry*
    • FLM 110: Film Aesthetics
    • FLM 320: Film Theory*
    • HIST 154: Film and History, US
    • HIST 249: Growing Up in America
    • HIST 255: Museums: Making History Come Alive!
    • LC 250: Intercultural Communication
    • SOC 250: Media and Popular Culture
    • SOC 333: Youth Subcultures
  7. One Elective: One elective may be selected from any of the courses listed above in 2-6, or from the following:
    • ART 241: Graphic Design II: The Image & Design*
    • ART 242: Graphic Design: Advanced Web Design (or equivalent through LCMC)*
    • FLM 330: Videography*
    • FLM 431: Directed Study in Video Production*
  8. ENGL 401: Senior Writing Project*

*Students should check required prerequisites for courses indicated by an asterisk(*).