Research and Assessment Reports
Faculty Salary Information
The IWU faculty salary policy includes a mechanism for adjusting salaries in accordance with the policy outlined in the Faculty Handbook VI:I. Read the annual median salaries posted.
The Strategic Curricular Planning Committee (SCP) released its report at the end of August, and there is a website that contains the report and other resources. The report itself can be found here. One data source of the Strategic Curricular Planning Committee's report is a summary of the full-time faculty at IWU. This document provides an overview of the faculty by department and rank.
For the next couple of years, CUPP will be working closely with the Provost, Associate Provost, and Associate Dean to re-balance the budgets. The Provost has summarized proposed budget reductions. The Annapolis Group provides a group of 125 institutions that are very similar to IWU and this report provides some key indicators of comparison.
In discussions regarding the adjunct budgets, the Associate Provost provided CUPP
with a historical summary of adjunct courses from recent years. This document summarizes the expenditures of IWU's athletics program in comparison with our peer
group. CUPP also advised on which adjunct requests should be approved for the 2013-14 academic term.
Colleagues in both CUPP and the Chairs/Directors group have asked about the number of transfer courses that students have requested and whether there are any identifiable trends. This report summarizes that information both for all classes and for classes with a Gen Ed designation.
Units Generated Reports for Fall 2012, Spring 2013, and May Term 2013
Students' declared minor by discipline.
Units Generated Reports for Fall 2011, Spring 2012, and May Term 2012
Additional Ratios Reports from Recent Years
We have time-series ratios reports for 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07, 2008-09, and 2010-11. Note that reports were not generated in 2007-2008 and 2009-2010 when there were transitions in administrative staffing.

Becky Roesner - Associate Provost, Professor of Chemistry
Department - Associate Provost