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Council for IWU Women Leadership

Shannon O’Rourke Kasali ‘07 headshot

Shannon O’Rourke Kasali ‘07

Atlanta, GA

International Education and Library Consultant 
IWU Major: Political Science and International Studies
IWU Activities: Class Vice President, Student Senate Executive Board, Residential Life Staff (I-House RA), Ambassador Club, Alpha Phi Omega, Study Abroad (Switzerland)
What advice would you give to fellow alumni? "Go into the world and Do Well. But more importantly, go into the world and Do Good." Minor Myers jr.
Why are you an active alum? I wanted to both network with other IWU women alumni and support students.
CFW Position: Chair

Photo of Kim Bankston

Kim Bankston '96

Normal, IL
Family Nurse Practitioner at Bloomington Primary Care
IWU Major:
IWU Activities:
Alpha Gamma Delta, Cheerleading
What advice would you give to fellow alumni?
Maintaining connections with those from our past and in our present can enrich future experiences. Staying involved with Illinois Wesleyan University after graduation allows opportunities for connecting and supporting students and fellow alumni.
Why are you an active alum?
To support students as well as connect with fellow alumni of IWU. There is such joy in encouraging and celebrating each other.
CFW Position:
Development Chair
Allecia Correll Headshot

Allecia Correll '00

Normal, IL
Student Loan Coordinator at Illinois Wesleyan University
IWU Major:
IWU Activities:
What advice would you give to fellow alumni?
Network early; ask questions often; maintain relationships.
Why are you an active alum?
To support and encourage the women students of IWU.
CFW Position:
Engagement Chair
Amy DeBoer ‘15

Amy DeBoer ‘15

Tinley Park, IL
Third Grade Teacher with Forest Ridge School District 142
IWU Major:
Elementary Education
IWU Activities:
Student Activities Programmer, Student Senate University Events Commissioner, Class Vice President
What advice would you give to fellow alumni?
Don't be afraid to FAIL (first attempt at learning), because then you can SAIL (second attempt at learning)! Enjoy the journey - every part!
Why are you an active alum?
I wanted to pour into students the way I was poured into.
CFW Position:
Mentoring Committee Chair
Marsha Guenzler-Stevens ‘78

Marsha Guenzler-Stevens ‘78

Stevenson, MD
Director of the Adele H. Stamp Student Union and Center for Campus Life at University of Maryland
IWU Major: Biology
IWU Activities: Student Orientation Head, EGAS, AOII, Student Senate, Choir, Model UN, Summer Conference Student Head, Admissions Committee
What advice would you give to fellow alumni? Live your way to the answers. When you are intent on crafting a single pathway or plan you may miss the chance to find what you were meant to do. Life is more than work. Find ways to contribute to your community and take time for those you love. I was 40 when I figured out that while my work was a calling (and it still is) -- that life was more than work. Use what you learned of the liberal arts, life, and leadership to be curious about things and people. Kindness and empathy is always good to bring into a room.
CFW Position: Nominating Committee Chair
Laura Kraynak Headshot

Laura (Curtis) Kraynak '07

Bloomington, IL.
Director of Sales at Candlewood Suites Bloomington-Normal
IWU Major: Psychology
IWU Activities: Kappa Delta, Alpha Phi Omega, Circle K, Bowling Club, Student Worker at Tommy's and Alumni Office
What advice would you give to fellow alumni? Pay it forward. Remember who made your Wesleyan experience memorable (and possible) and do all you can to give current students the same or better opportunities than you had.
Why are you an active alum? I joined the Alumni Association to reconnect with other alumni in our area. Also, as a way to give back to the college that gave me so many opportunities and to share more about the town (Bloomington-Normal) that I fell in love with and moved back to after graduation. I'm very fortunate to have the ability to visit campus whenever I wish and hope to help welcome more alumni back to the area!
CFW Position: Membership Committee Chair
Jessica Lothman ‘06

Jessica Lothman ‘06

Milwaukee, WI
Commercial and Public Finance Attorney at Foley & Lardner LLP.
IWU Major: Sociology (Minor in Psychology)
IWU Activities: Student Senate Executive Committee, Varsity Softball, Habitat for Humanity, Student Alumni Council
What advice would you give to fellow alumni? Weave together your passions and plot your own course. 
Why are you an active alum? A female alum I met as a student at a meeting helped me to find an internship states away, which was very, VERY influential in my career path. I wanted more students to be able to connect with alumni to help network and find their way. I helped found the IWU Women's Council with that alum (and others) and am proud to be able to now help IWU students and to network with fellow Titan women.
CFW Position: Governance Committee Chair
Halley Shanley ‘18

Halley Shanley ‘18

Minneapolis, MN
Corporate Counsel and Compliance Associate at Longevity Holdings, Inc.
IWU Major: Business Administration (Minors in Political Science and Dance)
IWU Activities: Senior Class Vice President, Student Senator, Titan Orientation Leader, Dance Team Captain, Campus Activities Board Social Media Coordinator, Kappa Delta, Panhellenic Council, IWU Collegiate Women’s Network Co-Founder
What advice would you give to fellow alumni? Be intentional about how you choose to stay connected with fellow alumni and the University - opportunities for growth are the greatest when we act in alignment with our values!
Why are you an active alum? I joined the Council for Women because of the engaging experiences I had as a student at the annual Summit and an interest to stay involved as an alumna.
CFW Position: Marketing Committee Chair
Taylor Williams ‘18

Taylor Williams ‘18

Bloomington, IL
Assistant State's Attorney at the McLean County State's Attorney's Office
IWU Major: Political Science (Minor in Greek & Roman Studies)
IWU Activities: Circle K International President, Alpha Phi Omega Vice President of Community Service, Pi Sigma Alpha Co-President, NAMI Public Relations Coordinator, Titan Orientation Leader
What advice would you give to fellow alumni? Remember what opportunities you have been given because of the help of someone else and determine if you can now be the person that provides opportunities for others.
Why are you an active alum? I joined the Council for IWU Women because of the impact the Council had on me when I was a student. After serving on the Scholarship Committee for several years, I am now the Chair. It is great to connect with students through the application process and learn what great things they are doing at Illinois Wesleyan! 
CFW Position: Scholarship Committee Chair