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The IWU'S WC Speech Lab

Oral and Multimodal Presentation Help

Click here for Online Appointments 

Tutor Amy Gourley leads a presentation on APA citaiton style.

Writing Center | Tutoring Services tutors, who have also been trained in tutoring students in oral communication tasks, also offer assistance with speeches or oral presentations and multimodal (PowerPoint, Prezi, Loom, etc.) presentations. In addition to practicing your speeches and presentations, these tutors will also give you feedback on how to make them stronger. To make an appointment, click on the button above, and select "Speeches," Oral Presentations," or "Multimodal Presentations" from the "limit to" drop-down menu. 

These tutors follow the composing process to give you advice on your work. They go from the invention stage (analyzing the assignment, brainstorming ideas, outlining, finding resources) to the drafting stage (laying out the major points and creating cues for the oral performance) to the performance stage (rehearsing). Throughout this process tutors will follow best practices for delivery: speaking from notes, using extraverbal communication strategies, connecting with your audience, and enhancing projection, articulation, pace, and appropriate diction.

Please bring a printed copy of your speech/ presentation for your tutor to peruse while you present. We also request that you bring a copy of the prompt.

Oral Presentation Tutors and Their Availability on WCOnline:  

  • Spring 2021 availability coming soon

Multimodal Presentation Tutors and their Availability on WCOnline: 

  • Spring 2021 availability coming soon

Please note all times are in Central Time.

Billie Jarvis-Freeman headshot

Billie Jarvis-Freeman - Associate Professor of Humanities

Department - Writing Center