Food Resources for Students
This is the time of year when students may experience some food insecurity due to low meal plan balances or money for the semester running out. Also, the spring meal plan ends on Tuesday, April 30 (lunch) and the May Term plans begins Tuesday, May 8 (dinner).
There is a program called Swipe Out Hunger where students may be eligible for meal assistance through Sodexo Campus Dining. Students have access to the Titan Pantry Project, located in the Hansen Student Center, where they can obtain canned foods, snacks, quick meals, and hygiene products. Students also can receive food assistance through the School Street Pantry, a college student centered community-based food pantry. Food is distributed to college students on Friday between 4-6 p.m. The Titan Student Emergency Fund, a grant for up to $500, is available to assist high-need students with unforeseen expenses that would make staying in school difficult.
For a list of other community resources or for more information about food resources, feel free to contact the Dean of Students Office at or 309-556-3111.