Registration for Posse Plus Retreat
Register here to attend this year's Posse Plus Retreat on Feb. 4, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. at Davis Lodge/Lake Bloomington with a theme of "Truth or Consequences?"
This year’s Posse Plus Retreat will explore the role of truth and its impact on key structures within our society like education, politics, the criminal justice system, elections and our lives. What is truth? Why does fact get questioned? What are the consequences of disputing the truth? What role does social media and the news play? Who do we trust to tell the truth? How do we hold people accountable? Participants should plan to attend the full day program. Transportation is provided, if needed. Questions? Please contact the Dean of Students office,
Campus Art Collection Reminders
This online catalog for the Campus Art Collection is the first comprehensive art inventory at IWU and we need your help to keep track of these works into the future. We are emphasizing this as a teaching collection so be advised that you may be contacted by a faculty member if students need access to your office. This collection is maintained by University Archivist & Special Collections Librarian Meg Miner, who can be reached at
Please remember:
- If you decide to move any art in your building, please notify Meg so the inventory can be updated.
- If you no longer want a particular item that you have, please contact Meg even if you don't think it's art. She will verify the content and make sure it is stored or disposed of, as needed.
And if you are just curious about what art has been identified in your building, look for the pre-set search box with building names at the bottom of the collection's homepage. If you know of other works that we need to add to the inventory, please contact Meg.
Display space available at Ames Library
Do you have a collection you’d like to share? Have you created a scholarly or artistic work?
Are you involved with a campus group or sponsoring an event you want others to know about?
The Ames Library Exhibit Team invites staff to contact us about utilizing display space in the
library. There are several exhibit spaces in the library to promote guest speakers,
organizations, events, achievements or topics of interest that you’d like to share with the
campus community.
If you are interested in scheduling a display, please contact Meg Miner at or