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Steering Committee Reports

A Strategic Planning Steering Committee, appointed by President Richard F. Wilson in October 2004, received the following charge:

"To develop a planning document of no more than 12 to 15 pages by May 2005 that (1) presents a vision for the University over the next 5 to 10 years; (2) identifies 6 to 8 major goals emerging from this vision; and (3) develops a number of strategies that, if pursued vigorously and well, will allow the community to achieve its goals. In the course of this work, the SPSC will identify both quantitative and qualitative indicators for measuring progress, although that effort is not the primary focus of the committee's work for the year. The committee will also suggest timelines for reviewing progress, reporting results to the campus community, and renewing the plan as the University accomplishes some goals and discovers others.

Steering Committee

Work Group Membership and Responsibilities (pdf)

Committee Reports