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Spring Committee Descriptions

All-Campus Events (ACE) The All Campus Events Committee is a programming and planning committee that focuses on events specifically organized through the Student Senate Entertainment Commissioner. The committee has recently brought Ingram Hill, Gavin DeGraw and Ben Folds to campus.

Constitutional Revisions (Con-Rev) This committee is charged with drafting constitutional revisions. They meet periodically for revisions. A minimum of three senators sit on this committee.

Current Events Plan and put together programs, such as debates or panels, when issues arise.

Elections Charged with running campus elections and maintaining the Elections Code. A minimum of five senators sit on this committee. Works primarily around elections.

Student Service Liaison This committee works with other areas on campus, specifically University offices, to voice student concerns and help create a solution. Issues range from food service to parking and University services.

Gender Issues Committee The Gender Issues Committee informs, educates and provides programs dealing with issues pertinent to women and men. Primarily, this committee plans and coordinates Gender Issues Week.

Multicultural The multicultural committee helps to support various cultural groups on campus and helps with the Soul Food Dinner.

Public Relations (PR) The Publicity Committee publicizes events for Student Senate and other student organizations.

Senate Activity This committee is charged with holding activities that will encourage greater Student Senate membership, as well as to encourage fellowship and camaraderie among current Student Senate members.

Survey and Calendar This committee is primarily concerned with the contracting and assembly of the Student Calendar Notebooks in the spring, as well as advising and creating any surveys that need to be taken on behalf of Student Senate throughout the year.

May Term This committee focuses its efforts on organizing campus- and Senate-sponsored activities throughout May term.

Scholarship The Student Senate gives out the Minor Myers Jr. Scholarship each year during the spring semester. This committee reviews applications and helps select this year’s winner.

Student Concerns and Relations (SCR) This committee works on promoting communications between all University offices and Student Senate to help voice current student issues.

Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) To follow up on all proposals passed by the Senate. To act as a sounding board and to facilitate the implementation of innovative student ideas, particularly regarding University policies and procedures. Members may also serve on University committees.

Phoenix Theatre Committee This committee helps foster the use and care of the Phoenix, and helps to plan, coordinate and assist in the theatrical performances planned there.

Financial Advisory Board (FAB) FAB is the fiscal management agency for the Student Senate and prepares and administers its budget and allocates funds to the student organizations in accordance with the Code of Finances. The committee is an elected position, composed of six people that are voted onto the committee by the senate body.

Resolutions Committee This committee is charged with drafting Resolutions. This is a five-person committee, and meets as needed.