Office of the Provost
Faculty Office Hours
The following faculty will be on sabbatical or pre-tenure leave for 23-24: Todd Fuist
(Spring 24), Tara Gerstner (Spring 24), Gordon Horwitz (Full Year), Chisato Kojima
(Spring 24), Abigail Mann (Spring 24), Lisa Nelson (Spring 24).
Noel Kerr, Associate Professor of Nursing, is Directing the IWU Barcelona program Spring '24.
Her office hours are: 1-2:30 pm in Barcelona, Spain, or 8-9:30 pm CST for IWU campus
or by appointment here.
Library faculty are available during office hours and by appointment to assist students, faculty and staff with searching our many resources. The links
below will take you to our contact information, liaison area, a link to book an appointment
with us, and our weekly office hours.
Individual office hours: