The Writing Study Group
The Writing Study Group was charged "with moving IWU towards a more focused, fundable vision for how we can improve student writing and critical thinking skills over the full period of undergraduate study." Below is the outcome of their work over the summer and fall of 2007.
Key Documents:
Assessment related to Student Writing
Memo & Final Report
Proposed Change to the Writing Requirement brought to the Faculty by Curriculum Council. (motion passed with amendment re: resources,
please see November 2007 Faculty Meeting Minutes for discussion and language).
Open Forum
Wednesday, October 24, 4 pm - 6 pm
Beckman Auditorium, Ames Library
Curriculum Council, the Strategic Curricular Review Task Force, and the Provost's
office invite you to an open forum with the Writing Study Group to discuss the proposal
to improve student writing at IWU. At the forum, the WSG will update you on their
activities since unveiling the proposal in late September. They will also discuss
the feedback they've gathered from departments, divisions and schools and the next
steps for the proposal. Refreshments will be provided. We hope to see you there.
Schedule & Summaries of Division Meetings
Humanities Division Meeting, October 3, 11 am, CNS E104
Business/Economics Meeting, October 3, 11 am, CLA 305
Library Faculty, October 9, 9:30 am, Ames Library 214
Social Sciences Division Meeting, October 10, 11 am, CLA
School of Theater Meeting, October 10, 11 am, Henning Room
School of Art Meeting, October 17, 11 am, School of Art
Science Divison Meeting, November 5, 11 am, location tba
Stephanie Davis-Kahl, Co-Convenor, Ames Library
Zahia Drici, Co-Convenor, Mathematics/Director of General Education
Joel Haefner, Director of the Writing Center
Kathleen O'Gorman, English
Sobeira Latorre, Hispanic Studies
Kelly Petrowski, Student Senate President
updated December 3, 2007
created September 27, 2007