Strategic Curricular Review Task Force
Welcome to the Strategic Curricular Review Task Force webpage. Below is the content of our Final Report. Please contact Stephanie Davis-Kahl ( if the links below do not work.
I. Introduction
a. Charge
b. Process for the work
III. Recommendations for Evaluating Proposals from a Strategic Perspective
a. Introduction
b. Structure
c. Process
IV. General Education Final Report
a. Departmental Memos
b. Faculty Input
c. Student Survey Summary
d. Enrollment Data (Fall 2002-2005 and Spring 2003-2005)
e. Information on Peer/Aspirational Schools' General Education Programs
f. Philosophy of the General Education Program at IWU
g. IWU General Education Program Codes and Requirements
V. Current Curricular Issues of Departments, Schools and Programs
a. Departmental Responses
VI. Links to documents and data
a. Summary of Student Survey
b. Analysis of time slot usage and seat availability by both department and level
c. Analysis of program offerings at peer schools (Information on Majors, Academic Areas and Programs)
d. Additional Documents