2020-21 Elective and Appointive Committee Lists
Updated 2/20/2021
Elective Committee Assignments
Academic Appeals Board
- Leslie Betz (Registrar) - convener
- Monica Hall (U-Nursing)
- Linda Kunce (T-Psychology)
- Ram Mohan (T-Chemistry & Biochemistry)
Assessment Committee
- Seung-Hwan Lee (T-Mathematics)
- Joshua Lowe (U-Art)
- Mignon Montpetit Jolly (T-Psychology)
- Lisa Nelson (T-Music)
Council on University Programs and Policy (CUPP)
- Ann Eckhardt (T-Nursing) - chair
- Mike Theune (T-English) - vice chair
- Dave Bollivar (T-Biology) fall 2020
- Bruno deHarak (T-Physics) spring 2021
- Tara Gerstner (U-Business)
- Pennie Gray (T-Educational Studies)
- Jean Kerr (T-Theatre Arts)
- Molly Robey (T-English) spring 2021
- Scott Sheridan (T-WLLC) fall 2020
- Gabe Spalding (T-Physics)
- Dave Wallace (T-Business)
Curriculum Council (CC)
- Dave Marvin (T-Business) - chair
- Stephanie Davis-Kahl (T-Librarian) - vice chair
- Lydia Bertschi (U-Nursing
- Amy Coles (T-History)
- Carmela Ferradans (T-WLLC)
- Adriana Ponce (T-Music)
- Aaron Wilson (U-Environmental Studies)
Faculty Development Committee (FDC)
- Leah Nillas (T-Educational Studies) - chair
- Meg Miner (T-Ames Library) - vice chair
- Marie Nebel-Schwalm (U-Psychology)
- Tyler Schwend (U-Biology)
- Jim Simeone (T-Political Science)
Faculty Representatives to the Board of Trustees (serves on CUPP)
- Gabe Spalding (T-Physics)
- Mike Theune (T-English)
Hearing Committee
- Mark Criley (T-Philosophy) - chair
- Amy Funk (U-Nursing)
- Courtney Irby (U-Sociology)
- Tao Jin (T-Religion)
- Rob Kearney (T-Business & Marketing)
- Wendy Kooken (T-Nursing)
- Edgar Lehr (T-Biology)
- Mark Liffiton (T-Computer Science)
Nominating Committee
- Dan Roberts (T-Mathematics) - chair
- Julie Ballard (U-Theatre Arts)
- Scott Ferguson (T-Music)
- Kristine Nielsen (T-Art)
- Tyler Schwend (U-Biology)
Promotion and Tenure Committee (PAT)
- Manori Perera (T-Chemistry & Biochemistry) - chair
- Zahia Drici (T-Mathematics) - vice chair, fall 2020
- Jason Themanson (T-Psychology) - vice chair, spring 2021
- Kristine Nielsen (T-Art)
- Jim Plath (T-English)
- Ilia Radoslavov (T-Music)
Undergraduate Research Advisory Council (URAC)
- Todd Fuisst (U-Sociology) - chair
- Maggie Evans (U-Educational Studies)
- Given Harper (T-Biology)
- Will Jaeckle (T-Biology)
University Council for Diversity (UCD) 3-year term
- Mark Brodl (Provost and Dean of the Faculty)
- Karla Carney-Hall (Dean of Students)
- Ann Aubry (Director of Communications)
- Kristen Buhrmann (Web Content Specialist)
- Monica Corsaro (Interim Chaplain)
- Lynda Duke (Interim Associate Dean of Students)
- Neal George (Student Senate Executive Board)
- LeAnn Hughes (VP of Enrollment and Marketing)
- Cindy Lotz, Director of HR, Title IX Coordinator
- Sharla Brown-Ajayi, Interim Director Office of Diversity & Inclusion
- Michael Thompson (Assistant VP for Institutional Research, Planning and Evaluation)
University Speakers Committee
- Todd Fuist (U-Sociology)
- William Munro (T-Political Science/Environmental Studies)
Appointive Committee Assignments
Admissions Committee
- Meghan Burke (Sociology)
- Jennifer Crider (Educational Studies)
- Brenda Lesson Knoll (Nursing)
- Tyler Schwend (Biology)
- Brad Sheese (Psychology)
All-University Judiciary Committee
- Wes Chapman (English)
- Ellen Furlong (Psychology)
- Courtney Irby (Sociology)
- Adriana Ponce (Music)
- Bill Walsh (Business & Marketing)
Campus Climate Assessment Committee (CCAC)
- Pennie Gray (Educational Studies)
- Libby Haywood (Biology)
Council for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETAL)
- Brandi Reisenwebber (English) co-chair
- Scott Sheridan (WLLC) co-chair
- Stephanie Davis-Kahl (Ames Library)
- Zehra Bakirdan (Student Representative)
- Deborah Halperin (ARC)
- Libby Haywood (Biology)
- Freya Jennison (Student Representative)
- Mark Liffiton (Liaison to the Contingency Planning Group)
- Joshua Lowe (Art)
- Ann Scanlon (Writing Center Director)
- Trey Short, ex officio (ITS rep)
- Kevin Sullivan, ex officio, non-voting (Associate Dean)
- Mike Theune, ex officio (Writing Program Director)
Council for Religious Life
- Joe Solberg (Business & Marketing)
- Amanda Hopkins (Nursing)
Faculty Committee on Diversity (FCD)
- Julie Ballard (Theatre Arts)
- Libby Haywood (Biology)
- Wendy Kooken (Nursing)
- Chris Sweet (Librarian)
- Joe Williams (Psychology)
Faculty Secretary
- Andrew Shallue (Computer Science)
Faculty-Staff Recognition Committee
- Brian Brennan (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
- Arleta deDianous (Nursing)
- Ken Detloff (Physical Plant)
- Londa Dunlap (Human Resources)
- Doug Meyer (Office of Residential Life)
- Sue Milligan (President's Office)
- Manori Perera (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
- Jim Plath (English)
- Monica Wong (Student Affairs)
- Carl Teichman (President's Office) convener, co-chair
- Laurine Brown (Environmental Studies) co-chair
- Scott Ferguson (Music) spring 2021
- Linda Kunce (Psychology)
- Given Harper (Biology) fall 2020
- Ram Mohan (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
- Dan Roberts (Mathematics)
Health Care Advisory Committee (HCAC)
- Brian Brennan (Chemistry & Biochemistry) fall 2020
- Wes Chapman (English)
- Mark Criley (Philosophy) fall 2020
- Wendy Kooken (Nursing) spring 2021
- Nancy Loitz (Theatre Arts) spring 2021
- Carolyn Nadeau (WLLC)
- Bill West (Music)
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
- Ellen Furlong (Psychology)
- Robert Irons (Accounting & Finance)
- Abigail Kerr (Psychology)
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- Julie Ballard (Theatre Arts) fall 2020
- Maggie Evans (Educational Studies)
- Bill Hudson (Music) spring 2021
- Courtney Irby (Sociology)
- Abbie Kerr (Psychology)
- Mignon Montpetit Jolly (Psychology)
- Manori Perera (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
- Jim Simeone (Political Science)
- Brian Walter (Biology)
Intercultural Fluency Committee
- Jessie Dixon-Montgomery (WLLC) co-chair
- Lynda Duke (Student Affairs) co-chair
- Sharla Brown-Ajayi (Academic Affairs)
- Nicole Chlebek (Admissions)
- Monica Corsaro (Office of Multifaith Engagement)
- Londa Dunlap (Human Resources)
- Amy Funk (School of Nursing)
- Michelle Gibbs (School of Theatre Arts)
- Kyle Griffith (Office of Residential Life)
- Franklin Larey (School of Music)
- Hannah Mesouani (Office of Diversity & Inclusion)
Internship and Career Center Liaison Committee
- Jennifer Crider (Educational Studies)
- Bill Kauth (Kinesiology, Sport Wellness)
- Rebecca Mafazy (Anthropology)
- Tyler Schwend (Biology)
Library Advisory Committee
- Mark Criley (Philosophy)
- Libby Haywood (Biology)
- Seung-Hwan Lee (Mathematics)
- Edgar Lehr (Biology)
- Adriana Ponce (Music)
May Term Advisory Committee (MTAC)
- Carmela Ferradans (WLLC)
- Todd Fuist (Sociology)
- Linda Kunce (Psychology)
- Scott Walter (Library)
- Mark Criley (Philosophy)
Pre-Engineering Advisory Committee
- Tian-Xiao He (Mathematics)
- Mark Liffiton (Computer Science)
- Manori Perera (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
- Gabe Spalding (Physics)
Pre-Law Advisory Committee
- Mark Criley (Philosophy)
- Andy Engen (Philosophy)
- Jim Simeone (Political Science)
Pre-Med Advisory Committee
- Anna Scanlon (Writing Center)
Reflective Advising Committee
- Chandra Shipley (Academic Advising) convener
- Pennie Gray (Educational Studies)
- Julie Johnson (Art)
- Rebecca Mafazy (Anthropology)
Rogy's Curriculum and Family Advisory Council
- Ann Eckhardt (Nursing)
- Courtney Irby (Sociology)
Safety Committee
- Jim Blumberg (Physical Plant) chair
- Mary Anderson (Physical Plant)
- Matt Bierman (Business and Finance)
- Melinda Baur (Chemistry)
- Karla Carney-Hall (Student Affairs)
- Londa Dunlap (Human Resources
- Cindy Honegger (Chemistry)
- Kyle Griffith (Residential Life)
- Meg Miner (Ames Library)
- Mark Welker (Campus Safety)
Study Abroad Advisory Committee
- Stacey Shimizu (International Office) convener
- Carmela Ferradans (WLLC)
- Scott Ferguson (Music) fall 2020
- Bill Hudson (Music) spring 2021
- Dan Roberts (Mathematics)
- Chandra Shipley (Academic Advising)
- Kevin Sullivan (Associate Dean)
Summer Reading Committee
- Zahia Drici (Mathematics)
- Wendy Kooken (Nursing)
- Chandra Shipley (Academic Advising)
University Technology Forum
- Mark Liffiton (Computer Science)
- Dan Roberts (Mathematics)
Writing Program Committee
- Pennie Gray (Educational Studies)
- Anna Scanlon (Writing Center)
- Chris Sweet (Library)