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NIU Tragedy: Concern and Preparedness

February 15, 2008

Once again, we find ourselves stunned and deeply saddened by another tragedy on a college campus.  The injuries and deaths to members of the Northern Illinois University community are deeply disturbing to all of us at Illinois Wesleyan, and we search for ways to understand what has happened and to reach out to our friends and colleagues who are directly involved.  While the loss of life is hurtful under any circumstances, it is especially heartbreaking when young people are involved and the precipitating event is on a college campus so familiar to us. 

We have colleagues and friends on this campus who have been directly affected by yesterday's tragedy at NIU, and we want to support them at this difficult time.  For those needing assistance, our counselors are available through Counseling and Consultation Services (x3052).  Likewise, Reverend Hope Luckie is available to provide spiritual support through the Chaplain's office (x3005). 

Events like the shootings at NIU remind us to remain vigilant in our efforts to attend to the welfare of our campus community.  A summary of our emergency response plan can be found at   The IWU Alert emergency notification system is also in place and helps us communicate with students, faculty, and staff.  I encourage you to keep your information current in this system by updating it through MyIWU.  

We pause today to think about the sudden loss NIU has endured, the many that were wounded, and the long process of recovery on that campus.  Our hopes and prayers are with our friends at NIU at this difficult time.

Richard F. Wilson
Illinois Wesleyan University