Parent Portal Letter (sent to students)
Date sent: September 23, 2013
We have been working on improving many aspects of our web services for students with the hope that you find access to information easier and are able to do more things online. One area where students and parents often request assistance is how best to give parents access to online information like your bill, grades, mailing address, etc. Although some students simply give parents their MyIWU login information, we are concerned about the security of accounts when that occurs. In an effort to meet this service and security need, we have created a Parent Portal where you can provide electronic access to your parents to parts of your student record. As you know, we value your confidentiality and follow all federal privacy guidelines, so we’ve put a system in place that allows you full control of what information is shared with your parents. Giving your parents this electronic access does not permit faculty and staff to talk to parents about your specific educational record without an additional FERPA waiver.
Here’s how it works: Go into your MyIWU student account and select Banner Self Service. Then choose Parent Proxy Access and proxy management. You will then provide a little information about who the person is and what information you would like them to view. To learn more, watch our instructional video. The menu includes the following options:
- Grades and transcripts
- Class schedules
- Address information
- Financial aid records
Once you have added a parent or guardian, he or she will receive an email from us detailing how they can open their account to view the secure pages. Each of your parents will have their own unique user name/password protected access. They will not gain access through your student account.
Remember that you as the student have the right to enable or disable this online access at any time. Your parents will receive a mailing later this week informing them of the project start up and how to access their Parent Portal account. They will still be able to log in and view other information directed to them, but they will NOT have access to your records unless you specifically grant them with the instructions above.
We are very excited by this project’s ability to enhance communications between our students, their families and the University. If you have any questions about this new service to students, please contact Help@Ames for technical information (556-3900) or the Dean of Students office for general information about this concept.
Karla C. Carney-Hall, PhD
Vice President of Student Affairs & Dean of Students

Karla Carney-Hall - Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Department - Dean Of Students