Multifaith Ambassador Program
Launched in Fall 2013, The Multifaith Ambassador Program is a unique leadership program for students who represent a variety of religious and
non-religious perspectives and beliefs, and who are passionate about understanding
and engaging religious diversity on campus, in their own communities, and in the world.
Working collaboratively with one another, Ambassadors build and create interfaith
community through weekly programming like Multifaith Hour and ReligiosiTEA, as well
as special events throughout the year. Participation in this leadership program includes
the willingness to respectfully engage multiple worldviews and traditions, and seek
places of both common and contested ground for the sake of learning, cooperation and
action. Ambassadors have the opportunity to learn more about their own beliefs and
to explore what interfaith means within their traditions, and to deepen their understandings
of global citizenship, justice, and peace in a pluralistic world. Ambassadors also
have the opportunity to participate in leadership development across campus and at
conferences throughout the year.
Programs and initiatives include:
- Semesterly Interfaith Identity education and other special events
- The annual "Light the Night" holiday celebration in December
- The release of blog posts
- Attendance at conferences and other training opportunities for interfaith education