Experimental Languages at IWU
As the world becomes more connected and the globe becomes smaller, students need to have access to languages other than those traditionally studied. The Modern Language sequence provides provides IWU students with other options for studying second languages that are occasional, temporary, or otherwise experimental offerings in the curriculum. By offering new languages (such as Chinese) in this way, the University can gauge the success, merit, and student interest before developing these language programs further.
Modern Language 101 - Beginning Modern Language I
An introduction to a modern language and culture not regularly offered. The courses will emphasize the skills of listening, speaking, and reading, and introduce students to writing. Primary emphasis is placed on oral communication skills and on functioning in real-life situations in an appropriate cultural context. Offered sequentially, as needed.
Modern Language 102 - Beginning Modern Language II
An introduction to a modern language and culture not regularly offered. The courses will emphasize the skills of listening, speaking, and reading, and introduce students to writing. Primary emphasis is placed on oral communication skills and on functioning in real-life situations in an appropriate cultural context. Prerequisite: 101 or equivalent. Offered sequentially, as needed.
Modern Language 201 - Intermediate Modern Language I
This course continues the proficiency-oriented approach of the beginning sequence. It is designed to strengthen the four basic language skills, as appropriate to the language. Prerequisite: 102 or equivalent. Offered as needed.
Jessie Dixon - Chair of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures and Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies
Department - World Languages, Literatures And Cultures