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Complaint Procedures

The Provost and Dean of the Faculty is open to student complaints or suggestions concerning the quality of academic courses and programs, the performance of faculty members, the effectiveness of other aspects of academic administration (facilities, records, the calendar, standards, etc.). Students should first bring such concerns to the attention of the department, school, or program head. If a satisfactory resolution to the concern is not possible, then students may submit their concerns to the Provost and Dean of the Faculty in writing or arrange a conference. Confidentiality of such communications will be strictly maintained on a need-to-know basis to prevent fear of reprisals by those subjected to criticism unless the student gives explicit permission for the information and/or his or her name to be used.

Division of Student Affairs Programs and Personnel

The Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students is very interested in hearing student complaints or suggestions about University policies in the following areas: Career Center, Counseling and Consultation Services, Fraternity and Sorority Life, the Hansen Student Center, Health Services, Judicial Affairs, Multicultural Student Affairs, Residential Life, Security, Leadership Programs and Student Activities. The Dean also is open to comments concerning the performance of staff members in these areas. Students may submit their concerns in writing or through a personal conversation. All such contacts are held in the strictest confidence as regulated by Federal guidelines and long-standing University practice. Names are used only with the student's written permission.

Non-Faculty Employees

The Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students and Associate Vice President for Human Resources are open to student complaints or suggestions regarding the performance of non-faculty University employees. Students may make such complaints in writing or through personal conversation. The Dean is authorized to adjudicate or mediate disputes between students and non-faculty employees in cooperation with the Associate Vice President for Human Resources. Confidentiality of such communication will be strictly maintained on a need-to-know and timely basis to prevent fear of reprisals by those subjected to criticism.

Other Individuals

 The Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students and Associate Vice President for Human Resources are open to student complaints or suggestions regarding the performance of individuals or business representatives who provide a service to the University. Students may make such complaints in writing or through personal conversation with the Dean or Associate Vice President for Human Resources. Confidentiality of such communication will be strictly maintained on a need-to-know basis. Timely investigations will ensue, and the complainant will be fully informed of its progress.

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Policy

To make an online confidential or anonymous report of sexual or gender-based misconduct,  click here

Whistleblower Policy

Prince Robertson headshot

Prince Robertson - Dean of Students for Community Standards and Advocacy

Department - Dean Of Students