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Co-ed IM Softball


  1. There will be a forfeit time of 5 minutes after the scheduled start of a game.

  2. There must be at least one scorekeeper for each game played. Your team may be asked to supply one for that game.

  3. In the event of rain, games will be played on the next available day. The coordinators will determine when that is and inform the teams.

  4. No stealing or bunting is allowed.

  5. The pitch must have a 6-12 foot arc. A 16” softball (for male batters) and a 14” softball (for female batters) will be available on the mound at all times.

  6. No designated hitters are allowed.

  7. Games will last 7 innings or 1 hour, which ever comes first. If the hour expires before the end of an inning, the entire inning will be completed before the game is halted.

  8. The batter will start with a count of 1 ball and 1 strike. The batter is only allowed 2 foul balls when they have two strikes on them.

  9. Throwing of the bat will result in a warning the first time and after that will result in an out for that team during that inning.

  10. If a team is ahead by 10 or more runs through 4 or 5 complete innings, the Mercy Rule will be called and the game will end at that point.

  11. For co-ed play, all female must play in the field and not more than two male batters may hit consecutively when a team is at bat.

Contact Information

Marjorie Miller
IM Coordinator

MOST IMPORTANTLY: There is absolutely NO DRINKING ALCOHOL at the softball field during games. Also, if you bring water bottles, etc., please THROW AWAY all of your garbage. It is not our job to clean up after you. Also, NO WRITING on the white boards in either dugout.
If there are any problems with the schedule or questions concerning the season, feel free to contact either of us. Later in the season a contact list of all the team captains will be compiled and distributed to each captain.