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Events for 2018-2019

International Studies Events

Spring 2017: International Studies Asian Studies Team will be sponsoring Guest Speaker Wang Zang, Professor of Women's History and Gender Studies at the University of Michigan will be speaking at the annual International Studies Colloquium  Series on Friday, March 31, 2017 at 4 pm in CNS C-101. Professor Wang Zhang will deliver the lecture on "Visual Representation of Gender and Class in a Changing China," examining how images of women over the past 60 years suggest their changing status in society. Check out Professor Zhang recently authored new book, Finding Women in the State: A Socialist Feminist in the People's Republic of China, 1949-1964 which will be available at the bookstore and available for purchase and autographed after the talk. 



Spring 2017 Anthropology Research Colloquium and Women & Gender Studies Present:
 With Dr. Alma Gottlieb on March 7, 2017 at 7pm in the State Farm Hall, Room 202
Don't Miss Out!
African Culture Week, 2016


Wednesday, March 2, 2016 4:00 pm

Beethoven: Revolution in Music and Music of Revolution Lecture

International Studies Colloquium

Westbrook Auditorium, Presser Hall 

Sponsored by: International Studies

Guest Speaker: Ms. Zanta Hofmeyr

One of the most prominent South African violinists, Ms. Hofmeyr, along with Ilia Radoslavov, are bringing a unique music project to the Wesleyan campus. They will be performing the complete set of ten Beethoven Sonatas for Piano and Violin in three concerts on  March 1 , 3, and 6 -  Tuesday Thursday , and  Sunday , respectively. The  March 1 and 3  concerts begin at  7:30 p.m.  and the  March 6  performance is at  3:00 p.m.  All concerts will take place in Westbrook Auditorium in Presser Hall and are free and open to the public.


Wednesday, March 2, 2016 4:00-5:30pm

The North Korean Nuclear Crisis: Cause and Policy Suggestions

Beckman Auditorium, Ames Library 

Sponsored by: The Diplomatic Studies Team

Guest Speaker: Uk Heo, UWM Distinguished Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee




Monday, October 26 - Sunday, November 1, 2015

 African Culture Week

African Culture Week 2015


Thursday, November 5, 2015

4:00 pm CNS C-101

Teach-In on the Syrian War and the Refugee Crisis

Sponsored by: Development Studies 


The program will be include a panel, introduced and moderated by Prof. Tom Lutze (History), with brief presentations by 1) Prof. Mike Weis (History) on the complexity of domestic and international forces fueling the Syrian conflict; 2) Prof. Kathleen Montgomery (Political Science) on the Syrian refugee migrations to Europe and the politics of their reception there, especially in Hungary; and 3) Prof. Irv Epstein (Educational Studies) on the broader question of Human Rights and Human Migrations.  The panel presentations will be followed by a question and answer session.



Wednesday, November 11, 2015

5:30-7:00 pm  Davidson Room in Memorial Center

Oxfam Hunger Banquet®  

Oxfam America is a global organization working to right the wrongs of poverty, hunger, and injustice. As one of 17 members of the international Oxfam confederation, we work with people in more than 90 countries to create lasting solutions. Oxfam saves lives, develops long-term solutions to poverty, and campaigns for social change.

Carmela Ferradáns headshot

Carmela Ferradáns - Director of International & Global Studies, Professor of Hispanic Studies World Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Department - World Languages, Literatures And Cultures