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Major Sequence in Development Studies

Explanation of the Concentration: As with other concentrations within the International Studies rubric, the Development Studies Concentration requires students to complete four core courses:

  • IS 240: Introduction to International Studies
  • One course on international systems, structures and processes
  • One course on the nature and analysis of culture
  • IS 488: the Senior Seminar

Required Course:
Political Science 326: Globalization and Development
Political Science 215: Politics in Developing Societies

1. Human Rights Emphasis

Any three of the following:

IS 222/322: Introduction to International Human Rights
Philosophy 224: Individual and the State
Physics 239: Problems of Nuclear Disarmament
Political Science 303: International Law and Organization
Political Science 325: Conflict Areas

Plus two courses in one of the following specific areas in the developing world: Eastern Europe and the Russian Federation, Latin America, Asia, Africa or Middle East. (Relevant language courses above the intermediate level would count.)

In addition, Economics 100: Introduction to Economics is strongly recommended but not required. 

2. Sustainability Emphasis

Any three of the following:

Anthropology 274: Peoples and Cultures of East Africa
Anthropology 288: Consuming Passions
Physics 239: Problems of Nuclear Disarmament
Political Science 360: Comparative Environmental Politics
Political Science 361: Globalization and the Environment
Sociology 344: Population and the Environment

Plus: two courses in one of the following specific areas in the developing world: Eastern Europe and the Russian Federation, Latin America, Asia, Africa or Middle East. (Relevant language courses above the intermediate level would count.)

In addition, Economics 100: Introduction to Economics is strongly recommended but not required

3. Globalization and Culture Emphasis

Any three of the following:

Anthropology 171: Cultural Anthropology
Anthropology 250: World Music
Anthropology 275: Anthropology of Theatre, Performance and Spectacle
Anthropology 277: Area Studies (if in relevant region)
Anthropology 350: Birthing, Dying, and Healing
Anthropology 360: Race, Racism and Anthropology
English 170: Special Topics: Third World Women Speak
English 249: Writing in the Third World
English 359: World Literature
Religion 333: Islam from Mecca to Malcolm X

Plus: two courses in one of the following specific areas in the developing world: Eastern Europe and the Russian Federation, Latin America, Asia, Africa or Middle East. (Relevant language courses above the 201 level would count.)

In addition, Economics 100: Introduction to Economics is strongly recommended but not required.

4. Economics and Policy Emphasis

Economics 100: Introduction to Economics

Plus:  Any two of the following:

Business 451: International Business (junior and senior standing only)
Economics 351: International Trade
Economics 352: International Finance
Economics 355: Economics of Developing Countries (G)
Political Science 345: International Political Economy
Sociology 354: Gender and Globalization

Plus: two courses in one of the following specific areas in the developing world: Eastern Europe and the Russian Federation, Latin America, Asia, Africa or Middle East. (Relevant language courses above the intermediate level would count.)

Minor Sequence in Development Studies

  • Core Course: International Studies 240:  Introduction to International Studies (G)
  • Required Core Course:

Political Science 326: Globalization and Development
Political Science 215: Politics in Developing Societies

  • Two courses from approved list in one of the Emphasis sub-concentrations.
  • Two courses in a specific area or region.





Carmela Ferradáns headshot

Carmela Ferradáns - Director of International & Global Studies, Professor of Hispanic Studies World Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Department - World Languages, Literatures And Cultures