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African Studies Concentration

Map of Africa

This concentration is no longer available for students entering in 2021-2022. Students interested in African cultures and societies should look into Political Science offerings. 

The African Studies curriculum offers courses in a range of disciplines (Anthropology, Classical Languages and Literatures, English, Environmental Studies, Health, Political Science, Religion, and Sociology), which provide meaningful information about the complexity of Africa and the experiences of Africans.

Students in these courses explore the ways in which African societies on the Continent and in the Diaspora are dealing with challenges in their lives by developing economic, cultural, and societal solutions to them. Since Africans anticipate our intellectual outreach and partnership, students learn to envision Africans as active agents rather than as passive recipients of foreign aid.

Requirements for the major or minor sequence in African Studies

Team Members:

Visiting Assisant Professor Christopher Connelly

Visiting Assisant Professor Christopher Connelly

School of Theatre Arts


Professor William Munro

Professor William Munro

Political Science


Carmela Ferradáns headshot

Carmela Ferradáns - Director of International & Global Studies, Professor of Hispanic Studies World Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Department - World Languages, Literatures And Cultures