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Major Sequence in African Studies

Explanation of the Concentration: As with other concentrations within the International Studies rubric, the African Studies Concentration requires students to complete four core courses:

  • IS 240: Introduction to International Studies;
  • One course on international systems, structures and processes;
  • One course on the nature and analysis of culture;
  • IS 488: the Senior Seminar.
  1. Language Proficiency: Students are required to fulfill general education requirements in a language taught on campus. It is highly recommended that students meet this requirement in French since it is the official language of 22 African countries and spoken by over 150 million Africans. In addition, students are required to complete one semester of an African language, which can be completed while studying abroad in Africa.

  2. One Semester study abroad in Africa that includes instruction in an African language.

  3. Six additional courses: two courses from Section A, at least one from Section B, and at least one from Section C. Students are strongly encouraged to take two courses in Section A prior to studying abroad in Africa. At least three of these six courses must be at the 300-level or above.

A. African History, Culture and Politics

  • Anthropology/Environmental Studies 274: Peoples and Cultures of East Africa
  • *Anthropology 277: Area Studies
  • *Anthropology 270/370: Special Topics
  • Anthropology 355: African Expressive Arts (May Term Course)
  • *History 270/370: Special Topics
  • *International Studies 270/370: Special Topics
  • Political Science 216: Politics in Africa
  • Political Science 217: Politics and Society in Contemporary South Africa
  • *Political Science 270/370: Special Topics

B. Comparative Perspectives

  • Anthropology 171: Cultural Anthropology
  • Anthropology 250: World Music (May Term course)
  • *Anthropology 275: Anthropology of Theater, Performance & Spectacle
  • *Anthropology 352: Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective
  • Anthropology 360: Race, Racism & Anthropology
  • Economics 355: Economics of Developing Countries (ECO 100 prerequisite)
  • English 249: Writing in the Third World
  • Religion 204: Native American and African Religions
  • Religion 307: Voodoo, Santeria, and Candomble

C. Contemporary Issues

  • *Anthropology 397: Internship
  • *Anthropology 450: Independent Study
  • Health 280: Perspectives in International Health
  • Political Science 325: Conflict Areas of the Third World
  • Political Science 326: Globalization & Development
  • *Political Science 450: Independent Study
  • Sociology 354: Gender and Globalization

Note: Courses taken through a study abroad program or travel courses may be substituted for courses under Sections B or C, depending on the content. Such courses require the approval of the African Studies Coordinator and the Director of International Studies.

*Applies if the course is taught on an African topic. Such courses are subject to the approval of the Director of International Studies.

Minor Sequence in African Studies

Explanation of the Minor: As stated in the IWU Catalog, International Studies Minors are designed for students who are interested in studying global and regional problems from an interdisciplinary perspective. The African Studies Minor is recommended for students who would like to enhance or supplement their major with a regional focus on Africa. All International Studies Minors are required to have "at least two courses at the 300- 400 level or equivalent."

Minor Sequence in African Studies: To complete an African Studies Minor, a student needs to take six courses. These courses must include:

  1. IS 240: Introduction to International Studies;

  2. Five additional courses, two of which must be at the 300 level or above. Three courses must come from Section A (African History, Culture & Politics), one course must come from Section B (Comparative Perspectives), and one course must come from Section C (Contemporary Issues).



Carmela Ferradáns headshot

Carmela Ferradáns - Director of International & Global Studies, Professor of Hispanic Studies World Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Department - World Languages, Literatures And Cultures