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"These narrations and legends, faithfully recreated by Luis Leal and splendidly illustrated
by Álvaro Ángeles Suman are key pieces of a rich and complex history which deserve
to be recognized and preserved for present and future generations."
-from the Introduction by Mauricio Parra.
"Large and visually striking, the book was illustrated by Mexican artist Álvaro Ángeles
Suman... Leal is the quintessential scholar, as his new book so well indicates."
-from Hispanic Business Inc. (2003)
Luis Leal's Mitos y Leyendas de México/Myths and Legends of Mexico is a collection of 20 popular Mexican legends recreated by the author. Accompanying each legend there is an original illustration by acclaimed Mexican painter Álvaro Ángeles Suman. The book has been published in bilingual (English/Spanish) edition, with a comprehensive introduction by Mauricio Parra. The first eleven legends evoke the Aztec and Mayan imaginary, while the last nine pieces explore specific moments in the Spanish Conquest and colonization as well as the Mexican Revolution.
About the Author:
Luis Leal is an internationally recognized scholar of Mexican, Chicano and Latin American
Literature, and the author of over 30 books and 300 articles. He has been recognized
with the highest distinctions afforded to a man of letters in the United States, Mexico
and Spain, including the Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle and the United States National
Humanities Medal.
Álvaro Ángeles Suman has exhibited his work in Mexico, the United States and Spain. Critics have argued that the use of traditional Mexican motifs gives the work of Suman a distinctive tone, generally associated with the work of the well-known artist, José Guadalupe Posada, and with the artistic tendencies explored by the Mexican muralists. The recreation of Mexican cultural icons in a contemporary style makes Suman the perfect artist to capture in color and form the words so masterfully narrated by Luis Leal.
Edition and Introduction:
Mauricio Parra is currently professor of Hispanic Studies at Illinois Wesleyan University.
His research interests include Colombian literature and art, Mexican literature and
culture, the Mexican and Cuban Revolutions, and Latina/o identities in the U.S.
English Translation:
Amanda Harris-Fonseca is a visiting professor at the University of California Santa
She served as a research and translation director and production for the documentary
La Malinche, Indigenous Always (aired nationally by PBS). Harris-Fosenca's research,
poetry and
critical focus on the literary, historical and cultural expressions of U.S. Latinas
and Mexican writers.
Jessie Dixon - Chair of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures and Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies
Department - World Languages, Literatures And Cultures