Hispanic Studies
Carmela Ferradáns
Director of International & Global Studies, Professor of Hispanic Studies World Languages, Literatures and Cultures

B.A. - University of Santiago de Compostela; M.A. - University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Ph.D. - University of California, Irvine
Carmela Ferradáns teaches all levels of Spanish language, literature and cultural history of Spain in the department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. She also teaches regularly for the IWU Writing Program, the Humanities, and the International and Global Studies program where she serves as director. Her critical studies on the poetry of Ana Rossetti are well known, particularly her intertextual reading of the Calvin Klein advertising campaign of the eighties. She is the editor and translator of Incessant Beauty: A Bilingual Anthology (New York: 2Leaf Press, 2014) which offers a wide range of Rossetti's poetry in dual language, Spanish/English. Her latest interest in migration and border studies lead her to the English translation of Nieves García Benito's short story collection Por la vía de Tarifa/ By Way of Tarifa. Her translations have been published in The Antonym, The Arkansas International, The Hunger Mountain Review, and in November 2024 the translation of Ruta de la Seda [Silk Road] will appear in The Common: A Modern Sense of Place. Her English translation of García Benito’s Al-Jazeera was first runner-up for the 2022 Hunger Mountain Translation Prize.
Ferradáns is also a poet in her own right. In 2006 she published a poetry chapbook, My Right Breast and Other Poems, with eight poems engaging directly with the aftermath of breast cancer and radiation.