Sierra Student Coalition
- On recommendation from the Sierra Student Coalition , President Wilson signed the Talloires Declaration on April 13, 2007. The event included a tree-planting ceremony in honor of Earth Day 2007.
- SSC was involved with Eco-Week 2008, sold organic roses; continued volunteering and promoting the ride board; initiated “Friday Night Lights,” an energy waste reduction effort in campus buildings; created a series of Titan TV commercials and WESN ads, as well as posters around campus.
- Contributed much effort to planning and coordinated Focus the Nation in January 2007 and held an open campus forum after the teach-in.
Continuing Initiatives
- Work with Sodexho to “go tray-less” and reduce food waste.
- Work with Sodexho to bring more locally grown and organic foods to campus.
- Plan Earth Day activities.
- Staff a booth at annual Wellness Fair.
- Organize “Think Outside the Bottle” campaign as part of campus contributions to 2009 national “The First 100 Days.”
Last updated: January 20, 2009