Other Departments
- In Fall 2009, Wellness coordinated with community partners in establishing an area-wide prescription drug disposal program. With assistance from Campus Security, IWU now has a secured drop-box located at the Security building, 110 E. Graham St., that helps keep prescription and over-the-counter medicines out of our water system and disposes of them safely and ecologically.
- Wellness Center has co-hosted the annual Illinois Sustainable Living and Wellness Expo since its inception in 2005.
- The University employs several student Sustainability Educators who serve as resources to the Illinois Wesleyan community.
Continuing Initiatives
- Recognize outstanding leaders at IWU with regard to sustainability.
- Create a sustainability pledge for signing upon graduation.
- Hold sustainability workshops annually and include students.
- Expand Career Center’s offerings of internships/careers related to the environment.
- Utilize existing National Wildlife Federation Campus Ecology partnership.
- Explore potential partnership with EPA (renewable energy grants/programs).
- Utilize new partnership with University Leaders for a Sustainable Future.
- Create alternative spring break program with environmental component.
- The Sierra Student Coalition chapter is working to bring trayless dining to the campus and to increase the amount of local and organic food served in dining areas.
- Residence Hall sustainability groups work with Sustainability Educators to develop programs for the buildings.
Last updated: September 17, 2009