Business and Finance
- LEED Silver certification awarded for Minor Myers, jr. Welcome Center (dedicated in 2008).
- The Administration committed to a 19-point checklist when evaluating architectural or construction proposals. The firm’s approach to LEED methods or certification is one of the points on this checklist.
- Architectural firm hired for new classroom building and LEED planning identified as goal for this project.
- Two bike racks purchased for this fiscal year (2008-09) and funds committed for next year.
- Investigated whether or not pavers, rather than poured concrete, could be used for the pads surrounding bike racks. Identification of savings with this material allowed for the purchase of an additional bike rack this year. Pavers will also have less impact on the environment in terms of permeability and mobility should they need to be relocated.
- Plan to replace leaky iron/single glazed windows in Presser Hall with modern, high efficiency units.
- Plans to replace the emergency "battery pack" units at Shirk Center and Fort Natatorium with a generator. Battery pack units last only ten years between replacements. Although the battery material can be recycled, pollution is created and energy is used. A generator will last at least 50 years with very little care
- Sodexho will continue to offer organic food options at the Dugout and will have at least one organic offering per week in the Berthoff Commons
- Sodexho will continue to make available (for a small fee) biodegradable plates and carry out containers at their retail outlets
- Minor Myers, jr. Welcome Center
- FIRST LEED certified building on campus and the first certified “constructed” LEED building in the City of Bloomington
- Recycled much of the former Methodist Conference Center upon demolition for the Welcome Center
- FIRST geothermal HVAC system used on campus; estimate seven year return on investment
- T5 fluorescent lamps specified although not yet widely specified or used
- High efficiency traction elevator specified as opposed to the normally specified hydraulic units. This considerably reduces electrical usage and avoids the use/disposal of hydraulic oils.
- Run-off catch basins that absorb parking lot rainwater and snowmelt.
- Plans underway to use environmentally sustainable yard care around the building with the possibility of expanding these methods to the larger campus.
- A high-efficiency traction elevator installed in Stevenson Hall as opposed to the normal hydraulic units. This considerably reduces electrical usage and avoids the use/disposal of hydraulic oils.
- Used surplus cooling tower from Sheean Library to replace the inefficient cooling tower in Presser Hall. The new application is about one-half as large as the original unit and is equipped with a variable speed fan control.
- Replace leaky iron/single glazed windows and doors at the Memorial Center main lounge with modern, high efficiency units.
- Replace metal halide lamps in the Shirk Center activity area with T5 fluorescent lamps. This change increased the light level while cutting electrical usage by 50%.
- Replaced the water-cooled coolers/freezers in the Memorial Center with air-cooled freezers. This change saved more than 500,000 gallons of water in the first month of operation. The replacement air-cooled units use very little electricity in lieu of water for cooling. This is an on-going savings as the units run continuously year round.
- Replace older, inefficient hot water heater and storage tank in Pfeiffer Hall with more efficient instantaneous water heater.
- Reduce chemical usage on the grounds. It is not known yet if the reduced level of usage is sustainable to maintain expectations.
- Sodexho started offering organic food at the retail level, as well as into their regular menu cycle
- Sodexho began offering as an option (for a small fee) biodegradable plates and carry out containers at their retail outlets
- Established campus recycling program
- Purchased a roll-off to collect all campus recyclables for pick up
- Worked with the town of Normal to accept glass, plastic, paper, and aluminum for recycling
- Purchased 900 small recycle bins for each residence hall room on campus
- Purchased 18 outdoor recycling containers for campus grounds
- Labeled existing containers with appropriate stickers for recyclables and trash
- Arranged for city of Bloomington to collect recyclables from fraternity and sorority houses
- In cooperation with the Environmental Sciences Department assess recycling status through 2004 Dumpster Dive
- 1986 Energy Management Program-installed Variable Speed Drivers (VSD) into all larger academic buildings and residence halls
- Sealed steam leaks in underground pipes
- Late 80’s-installed a 15,000 pound boiler to be used during off-peak seasons in place of two energy demanding 40,000 pound boilers
- Motion sensors installed in certain buildings for lights
- Fort Natatorium has a dehumidifier that takes water from the pool’s air and returns it to the pool to save energy
- Computer controlled football and baseball field lights
- Purchase material made from recycled products when possible
- Purchase non-toxic cleaning products
- Campus integrated pest management program limits use of pesticides at all campus facilities
- Presser Hall cooling system operates on a variable fan speed system now
Continuing Initiatives
- Install energy metering systems on all campus buildings in order to monitor energy use
- Examine the environmental impact of the lawn chemicals used on campus, and explore alternatives where appropriate
- Accomplish lighting technology upgrades as funds permit and if recommended by Physical Plant
- Investigate the environmental impact of the heating/cooling systems of IWU’s older buildings and explore potential solutions.
- Partner with the town of Normal with regard to sustainability
- Regarding GREENetwork’s hope that IWU will hire a sustainability coordinator: securing such a new hiring line, in the face of many other constituency’s requests for competing lines, would require the strong support of the President. The current economic situations makes additional positions unlikely for the foreseeable future.
- Based on recommendation of requesting department, purchase energy efficient vehicles as needed.
- Negotiate local food purchases with Sodexho if their insurance concerns can be addressed.
- Negotiate composting practices be built into Sodexho workflows
- Make sure Student Senate is involved in conversations if it is likely there will be cost increases for students to absorb
- Recommend GREENetwork educate the campus about current standards regarding recycling: exactly what containers and paper can be recycled, and what is an acceptable level of ‘contamination’ in recycling bins, are two areas that the campus seems to need further information about.
Last updated: January 13, 2009