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Jim Simeone

Sally A. Firestone Professor in Peace and Social Justice, Professor of Political Science

Political Science
Office Number:
CLA 251
Office Hours:

Wed: 9-11 a.m., 1-2 p.m.
Thr: 4-5 p.m.
Jim Simeone


Professor of Political Science

Ph.D., University of Chicago

James Simeone is a Professor of Political Science. He teaches two courses in the Environmental Studies Program, Ethical Dilemmas in Environmental Politics (ENST/PSCI 365) which fulfills the major's environmental ethics requirement, and Sustainable Agriculture (PSCI 270), a May Term course based in the Peace Garden which features a lab component and a focus on the rudiments of soil science. Professor Simeone also facilitates several student-led Action Research Center (ARC) projects with environmental concerns including projects with The Peace Garden, Legacy of the Land Cooperative, The Tool Library, and Spence Farm.

Environmental Studies Courses: 

  • PSCI270: Sustainable Agriculture
  • ENST/PSCI 365: Ethical Dilemmas in Environmental Politics