Environmental Studies Major
A minimum of 11 courses (at least four of which are at the 300-level or above) to include the following:
- ENST 100 Environment and Society
- ENST 110 Earth Systems Science
- ENST 120 Ecology and the Environment (Students pursuing a concentration in Ecology should instead take BIOL 217 Introduction to Ecology)
- ENST 365 Ethical Dilemmas in Environmental Politics or PHIL 302 Ethics and the Environment
- Six courses selected to complete the requirements, described below, of either
- General Major in Environmental Studies
or - Concentration in Environmental Studies
- General Major in Environmental Studies
- ENST 480 Senior Seminar: Creating a Sustainable Society
All majors are also expected to take one of the following introductory statistics courses: BIOL 209, ECON 227, PSYCH 227, SOC 227, and are encouraged to study abroad.
No more than one internship may be used to fulfill the requirements for the major or the minor; and courses may not count for two majors or for both a major and a minor.
General Major In Environmental Studies
Students pursuing a General Major in Environmental Studies must select two courses in each of the following three areas (Natural Science, Human Culture, and Social Institutions), at least two of which are at the 300-level or above. No course may be used to count for two categories. Only two of the six required courses may be satisfied through either an internship (ENST 397) or a directed reading (ENST 250), and these may not both be used to satisfy the requirements in any given area (i.e. natural sciences, etc.). No more than one internship and one directed study may be used to satisfy the requirements for the major.
- Natural Science
- ENST 115/PHYS 120 Energy and Society
- BIOL 164 Marine Realm
- BIOL 217 Introductory Ecology
- ENST/CHEM 130 Chemistry of the Environment
- ENST 132 Atmospheric Pollution
- ENST/CHEM 135 Water Quality
- PHYS 239 Problems of Nuclear Disarmament
- ENST 240 Health and the Environment
- ENST 241 War on Cancer: Does Environment Matter?
- ENST 242: Toxic Threats to Reproduction and Child Development
- BIOL/ENST 321 Conservation Biology (prerequisite: ENST 120) (previously ENST 370)
- BIOL/ENST 350 Tropical Ecology (prerequisite: ENST 120)
- PSYC 355 Psychology and the Environment (prerequisite: PSYC 202 or PSYC 300 or consent of instructor)
- Directed Readings in Environmental Studies, with approval of ES program director ENST
397 Internship, with approval of ES program director
- Human Culture
- ANTH 274 Peoples and Cultures of East Africa
- ANTH 288 Consuming Passions: The Anthropology of Food
- ENGL 170 Radioactive: Writing in the Nuclear Age
- ENGL 220 American Ground Zero
- ENGL 220 Thinking like a Mountain: Literature and Environmental Consciousness
- ENST/HIST 248 American Environmental History
- HIST 360 Modern Brazil
- ENST 250 Directed Readings in Environmental Studies, with approval of ES program director
- ENST 397 Internship, with approval of ES program director
- Social Institutions
- ANTH 274 Peoples and Cultures of East Africa
- ANTH 288 Consuming Passions: The Anthropology of Food
- ECON 340 Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (prerequisite: ECON 100)
- ENST/HIST 248 American Environmental History
- ENST/PSCI 261 Risk and Regulation
- ENST/PSCI 260 American Environmental Politics
- ENST/PSCI 360 Comparative Environmental Politics
- ENST/PSCI 361 Globalization and the Environment
- HIST 360 Modern Brazil
- SOC 344 Population and Environment
- ENST 250 Directed Readings in Environmental Studies, with approval of ES program director
- ENST 397 Internship, with approval of ES program director
Concentrations for the Major
(Advisor: Dr. Given Harper)
Students concentrating in Ecology must take:
- BIOL 209 Biostatistics (prerequisite: BIOL 102)
- ENST 321 Conservation Biology (prerequisite: BIOL 102)
- Either:
- ENST 450 Independent Study
OR - ENST 451 Independent Research and Writing
- ENST 450 Independent Study
Plus two courses from the following list:
- BIOL 219 Invertebrate Zoology (prerequisite: BIOL 102)
- BIOL/ENST 302 Parasitology (prerequisite: BIOL 102)
- BIOL 306 Plant and Fungal Diversity (prerequisite: BIOL 102)
- BIOL 314 Microbiology (prerequisite: BIOL 102)
- BIOL 316 Evolution (prerequisite: BIOL 102)
- BIOL 320 Marine Biology (prerequisite: BIOL 102)
- BIOL 327 Advanced Ecology (prerequisite: BIOL 102)
- BIOL/ENST 350 Tropical Ecology (prerequisite: BIOL 102)
- ENST 250 Directed Readings in Environmental Studies, with approval of concentration advisor
- ENST 397 Internship, with approval of concentration adviser
- MATH 300 Mathematical Modeling, with approval of concentration adviser
And one course on human culture or social institutions from the following list:
- ANTH 274 Peoples and Cultures of East Africa
- ANTH 288 Consuming Passions: The Anthropology of Food
- ECON 340 Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (prerequisite ECON 100)
- ENGL 170 Radioactive: Writing in the Nuclear Age
- ENGL 220 American Ground Zero
- ENGL 220 Thinking like a Mountain: Literature and Environmental Consciousness
- ENST/HIST 248 American Environmental History
- ENST/PSCI 260 American Environmental Politics
- ENST/PSCI 261 Risk and Regulation
- ENST/PSCI 360 Comparative Environmental Politics
- ENST/PSCI 361 Globalization and the Environment
- HIST 360 Modern Brazil
- SOC 344 Population and Environment
Depending on their career interests, and in consultation with the Concentration advisor, students should consider taking CHEM 201, 202, 311 and 312.
Environmental Policy
Advisor: Dr. Abigail Jahiel
Students concentrating in Environmental Policy must take:
- ENST/PSCI 260 American Environmental Politics
- ECON 340 Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (prerequisite: ECON 100)
Plus three courses from the following list, only one of which may be ENST 250, 397, 450 or 451:
- ENGL 220 American Ground Zero
- ENST/HIST 248 American Environmental History
- ENST/PSCI 360 Comparative Environmental Politics
- PSCI/SOC 395 Action Research Seminar
- SOC 344 Population and Environment
- PSYC 355 Psychology and the Environment (prerequisite: PSYC 202 or PSYC 300 or consent of instructor)
- ENST 250 Directed Readings in Environmental Studies, with approval of concentration advisor
- ENST 397 Internship, with approval of concentration adviser
- ENST 450 Independent Study
- ENST 451 Independent Research and Writing
And one additional environmental science course from the following list:
- ENST 115/PHYS 120 Energy and Society
- ENST/CHEM 130 Chemistry of the Environment
- ENST 132 Atmospheric Pollution
- ENST/CHEM 135 Water Quality
- BIOL 164 Marine Realm
- BIOL 217 Introductory Ecology (prerequisite: BIOL 101 & 102)
- ENST/BIOL 218 Field Ornithology (prerequisite: BIOL 101 & 103 or BIOL/ENST 120)
- ENST/BIOL 220 Natural History of Illinois
- PHYS 239 Problems of Nuclear Disarmament
- ENST 240 Health and the Environment
- ENST 241 War on Cancer: Does Environment Matter?
- ENST 242 Toxic Threats to Reproduction and Child Development
- BIOL/ENST 302 Parasitology (prerequisite: BIOL 102)
- BIOL/ENST 321 Conservation Biology
- BIOL/ENST 350 Tropical Ecology
- PSYC 355 Psychology and the Environment (prerequisite: PSYC 202 or PSYC 300 or consent of instructor)
- ENST/BIOL 375 Current Critical Issues in Science
International Environmental Sustainability
Advisor: Dr. Abigail Jahiel
Students concentrating in International Environmental Sustainability must take:
- PSCI 326 Globalization and Development
- ENST/PSCI 361 Globalization and the Environment OR ENST/PSCI 360 Comparative Environmental Politics
- ANTH 274 Peoples and Cultures of East Africa OR ANTH 288 Consuming Passions: The Anthropology of Food
Plus two courses from the following list, only one of which may be ENST 250, 397, 450 or 451:
- PHYS 239 Problems of Nuclear Disarmament
- ANTH 274 Peoples and Cultures of East Africa
- ENST/PSCI 275 Global Sustainability and Asian Development
- ANTH 288 Consuming Passions: The Anthropology of Food
- ENST/PSCI 360 Comparative Environmental Politics
- ENST/PSCI 361 Globalization and the Environment
- HIST 360 Modern Brazil
- SOC 344 Population and Environment
- ENST 250 Directed Readings in Environmental Studies, with approval of concentration advisor
- ENST 397 Internship, with approval of concentration adviser.
- ENST 450 Independent Study ENST 451 Independent Research and Writing
And one additional environmental science course from the following list:
- ENST 115/PHYS 120 Energy and Society
- ENST/CHEM 130 Chemistry of the Environment
- ENST 132 Atmospheric Pollution
- ENST/CHEM 135 Water Quality
- BIOL 164 Marine Realm
- BIOL 217 Introductory Ecology (Prerequisite: BIOL 102)
- PHYS 239 Problems of Nuclear Disarmament
- ENST 240 Health and the Environment
- ENST 241 War on Cancer: Does the Environment Matter?
- ENST 242: Toxic Threats to Reproduction and Child Development
- ENST/BIOL 275 Herpetology (Prerequisite: BIOL 102 or BIOL/ENST 120)
- BIOL/ENST 302 Parasitology (prerequisite: BIOL 102)
- BIOL/ENST 321 Conservation Biology
- BIOL/ENST 350 Tropical Ecology
- PSYC 355 Psychology and the Environemnt (Prerequisite: PSYC 202 or PSYC 300 or consent of instructor)
- ENST/BIOL 375 Current Critical Issues in Science
Abigail Jahiel - Professor of Environmental and International Studies
Department - Environmental Studies