ENGL 101:
Introduction to Creative Writing (AR)
M-F 9:00-12:00
Joanne Diaz
In this
we will focus on how writers use the generic structures of poetry, fiction, and creative
nonfiction to explore human experiences in imaginative ways. Through our careful reading
of published poetry and prose, discussion on the craft of writing, and weekly workshops
of your writing, this
will introduce questions that any writer of prose or poetry must address: How do writers
transform complex emotional and intellectual experiences into art? What are the different
formal demands of poetry and prose? How do music and metaphor work together to make
a poem? How does character determine the conflict in a short story? How do we understand
what’s “real” or “true” in creative nonfiction? We will also consider the crucial
importance of revision in the creative process, and how challenging and satisfying
that process can be.
Prerequisite(s): none
ENGL 101: Intro to Creative Writing (AR)
M-F 9:00-12:00
Brandi Reissenweber
Examines theory and practice of writing creatively. Reading combined with practice in
the basic processes of and strategies for writing fiction, poetry, or drama.
Prerequisite(s): none
ENGL 132: The Healing Art (LIT)
M-F 1:00-4:00
Anna Scanlon
In this course, students will critically examine the methods through which writers
and filmmakers explore the intersectionality of race and gender in relation to illness.
This course asks: how do writers use figurative language, shifts in perspective, and
filmic and literary topoi to negotiate questions about the racialized/ gendered body?
Fictional and nonfictional readings and films include the play Nurse Evers Boys by David Feldshuh, the play Wit by Margaret Edmondson, and the autobiographical text The Diary of Alice James. Other required reading and viewing will be provided.
Prerequisite(s): none
ENGL 170: New Views of the Old West (LIT)
M-F 1:00-4:00
James Plath
Critical reading and interpretation of literary texts. Encourages close reading as
well as oral and written work in articulating understanding. May be repeated for credit
if subject matter is not duplicated; does not count toward the English-Writing major.
Offered occasionally.
JOUR 213:
New Media
M-F 9:00-12:00
Jack Brighton
Americans are becoming increasingly dependent upon social media for the news. This
course will introduce students to the fundamentals of social/new media for journalists,
including (but not limited to) research techniques, professional responsibilities,
best practices, and storytelling across multiple platforms.
Prerequisite(s): None.